Brentwoodian 2022

NEW STAFF Hugh Fisher Brentwood School’s History Department welcomes Mr Fisher. History is not just a career for Mr Fisher, but a hobby; where he believes that a good understanding of the modern world ultimately comes from an understanding of the past. Mr Fisher got into teaching to instil his love for History in his students. Mr Fisher also has a love for sport, where he enjoys running, playing cricket and golf. However, his hobbies expand further than just History and sport, like reading and travelling, which explains his preferential superpower: flying. Mr Fisher’s favourite foods are less complex than his hobbies, being steak on the BBQ, and hummus and carrots. Teacher of History Shannon Boyle Miss Boyle joins Brentwood School as Head of the Theology and Philosophy Department. Miss Boyle enjoys teaching theology and philosophy because it is important to learn about other cultures, understandings and perspectives. Miss Boyle likes to reflect on big questions and help students develop their own beliefs on issues, which is why she takes a keen interest in Theology and Philosophy. Miss Boyle walks her dog and watches television in her free time. Her favourite food is cheese and her favourite film is Cloud Atlas (2012). If Miss Boyle could have a superpower it would be time control. Teacher of Theology and Philosophy 227