Brentwoodian 2022

Teachers of Chemistry Wendy Schofield Mrs Schofield joins the Chemistry Department. Mrs Schofield has enjoyed chemistry from a young age, with her passion originating from school, making it fitting for her to become a teacher. In her free time, Mrs Schofield likes to garden, play hockey, and walk her dog. Her favourite food is duck and her favourite film is Finding Nemo (2003). If Mrs Schofield could have a superpower it would be time travel. Teacher of Physics Dominik Golinski “We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” Mr Golinski joins Brentwood School’s Physics Department. Mr Golinski’s interest in Physics came from his A levels, and he initially took an interest in engineering. Once Mr Golinski started university, however, he discovered a soft spot for astrophysics, and also studied communicating science which got him into teaching. For the past 12 years, Mr Golnski has been teaching Physics, and has not stopped asking questions. Mr Golinski has two daughters and several pets to keep his free time busy. This year, however, Mr Golinski has taken up cycling more frequently, and enjoys exploring the outdoors and camping. His favourite food is shellfish and his favourite film is Lord of the Rings (2001). If Mr Golinski could have a superpower it would be time travel. 228