Brentwoodian 2022

Tara Felton Brentwood’s Mathematics Department welcomes Mrs Felton. Mrs Felton has always loved Maths, which is the reason she has gone on to teach it. Prior to teaching, Mrs Felton worked as an insolvency accountant in Ernst & Young, so she has experience of the practical application of Maths in other fields. Apart from Maths, Mrs Felton likes to walk her dog and crochet blankets. Her favourite food is pasta and her favourite film is Home Alone (1990). If Mrs Felton could have a superpower it would be dog-whispering. Teachers of Mathematics Alexander Moxon “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world.” - Margaret Mead Mr Moxon joins Brentwood School’s Geography Department and Outdoor Education programme. Mr Moxon has a passion for the natural world that has fuelled his career and action on environmental issues. Previously Mr Moxon has worked in engineering consultancy with an environmental focus, and in recent years has worked for schools and NGOs in a variety of roles. Mr Moxon’s interest in the environment is reflected best in his leisure activities; camping in remote locations, kayaking, cycling and writing blogs are just a few of Mr Moxon’s personal endeavours. His favourite food is lasagne and his favourite film is The Shawshank Redemption (1994). If Mr Moxon could have a superpower it would be teleportation. Teacher of Geography 230