Brentwoodian 2022

Sabrina Goes “Happiness is not a possession to be prized, it is a quality of thought, a state of mind.” - Daphne du Maurier (Rebecca, 1938) Miss Goes joins Brentwood School’s English Department. She has always loved reading and studied literature in university. After finishing her course, she thought “What better to do than teach a subject I love?”, and has never regretted her decision. Miss Goes has previously worked as a fine wine merchant and, pre-university, in banking. Miss Goes likes to cook, bake, read and travel in her free time. She enjoys sushi or Thai cuisine, and her favourite film is Dreamgirls (2006). If Miss Goes could have a superpower it would be a photographic memory, perfect for all the travelling she gets up to. Matt Cowie “Grammaticae non logicae crede.” Joining Brentwood School’s Latin Department is Mr Cowie. Mr Cowie first took up Latin in Year 7, and the subject eventually stuck with him despite initially disliking it. For his A levels Mr Cowie pursued Maths, though found the subject’s “thievery of Greek letters” to be upsetting, so he dropped it one month in. Before his passion for Latin turned into a career, Mr Cowie wanted to work on domestic abuse cases as a police officer and, before that, be a dream analyst. During his free time, Mr Cowie enjoys bouldering, taekwondo and baking. His favourite food is a peanut butter and ketchup sandwich and his favourite film is Mulan (1998). If Mr Cowie could have a superpower it would be blood with the acidity to burn through steel. Teacher of Latin 232