Brentwoodian 2022

movement that arose in Paris during the late 19th century (artists such as Claude Monet, Edouard Manet and PierreAuguste Renoir), having a dramatic influence on modern art, even today. Channelling La Génération Perdue, we also took a visit to the iconic Shakespeare and Co. where Sylvia Beach lent English books to the American Ernest Hemingway in the mid-20th century. As ‘A Farewell To’ Shakespeare and Co., we would later return to buy a book each and read them in the neighbouring café. Both Simeon and I had a fantastic time, and made use of the opportunity to greatly improve our French (we could be saying this all in French). More than that, we managed to broaden our horizons and experience a new environment and culture - a new ‘mode de vie’. By Simeon McGill and Dominic Cunningham LIONKING On the 2nd March, Year 8 travelled to the Lyceum Theatre to watch The Lion King musical. We boarded our respective coaches, and the journey began. When we arrived at the theatre, there were many other schools along with us, which got us excited, as it must have been a popular show. It was nothing compared to when we got into the theatre! As the show began, as in the movie, the cry from the actors immediately brought us to silence. The music, the lights and the set designs were all amazing, and the atmosphere was a once-in-alifetime opportunity (well, only if you watch The Lion King once!) The experience was breathtaking, and we cannot thank the Drama department enough for making this possible! By Osi Bhatt 53