Brentwoodian 2022

Brentwood School’s girls’ U15 Athletics team had a fantastic 2022 season. It was our first full year back since 2019 so we were determined to get back on track and compete to our highest standard. After lots of lunch time, after school and Saturday training sessions we kicked off the season with a great start, qualifying for each round of the Track and Field Cup. We then went on to Regionals to come fourth overall, with many athletes’ performances excelling throughout the season with new PBs all around. The team worked extremely hard to prepare for the competitions, attending extra sessions and supporting one another when we didn’t achieve our best. All this hard work and training paid off as towards the end of the season we qualified for Nationals. We started the day with our strongest, field events, where there were outstanding performances from all athletes including: a PB from Trinity Baptist who threw 11.27m in the shot put, coming 2nd overall, great throws from Emilia Hardy in javelin who came 5th, Sophia Moule throwing an amazing 31m in the hammer, Louella Peers placing 4th, threw 22.53m in discus and Jess Philpot and Zoë Smithers placing 2nd and 3rd in triple jump. The combination of field events placed us second in the standings by midday and we were determined to remain in that position. NATIONAL SQUAD 94