Essex Employment Retention Service Helping you to manage your mental health in the workplace Employment Retention Service Essex
Is mental health illness causing you or someone you know to be absent from work or to be struggling at work? By making a referral to the Employment Retention Service, we can provide support to overcome this. What we do:- • Complete an assessment with you to fully understand the issues that you are facing • Discuss the triggers at work or elsewhere that affect your mental health and how this impacts on your work • Support you with putting together a plan to help you return to or stay in work • Discuss phased returns that will help you with a transition back to the workplace • Consider appropriate reasonable adjustments that would support you to return and remain in work • With consent, provide support at formal meetings with employers, occupational health services • Support you and your employer with signposting and advice on additional services • Help with putting together a Wellness Action Plan, which will provide a plan for you and your employer to help you stay well at work If however, you consider that due to your illness, you need to leave your current role we will support you with planning an exit and wherever possible link you in with services to support you find alternative employment. We are not able to provide legal advice and would signpost you should this be required. Employment Retention Service Essex
Eligibility To be eligible for our service you need to be a resident of the Essex County Council area and suffering from any level of mental health illness that is affecting your ability to carry out your work. Referral • You can refer yourself. • Your GP or other health professional can make the referral. • Your employer could refer you. • Any other organisation supporting you. You will need to complete and sign a referral form. (Unless you are receiving care from EPUT when your clinician can make a direct referral). To obtain a referral form: Phone: 0300 790 0573 Email: [email protected] Scan the QR Code Alternatively complete the information below and post the form to Employment Services, Holmer Court, Essex Street, Colchester. CO3 3BT. Essex Employment Retention Service Expression of interest I am interested in receiving support from the Employment Retention Team: Name........................................................................................................... Town............................................................................................................ Telephone No............................................................................................... Email............................................................................................................
Get in touch: Essex Employment Retention Service Tel: 0300 7900 573 Email: [email protected] NHS Foundation Trust Essex Partnership University August 2022 Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) If you have any concerns or need advice about accessing NHS services, you can speak in confidence to PALS on 0800 085 7935 or you can email [email protected] This leaflet can be produced in large print, CD, Braille and other languages on request. Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust regards equality and diversity as integral to the way it works. Our staff will ensure that everyone is treated fairly and no one is discriminated against on the basis of their ethnicity, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation and religion or belief. © Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust. Reproduced with permission. EP0405