Eligibility To be eligible for our service you need to be a resident of the Essex County Council area and suffering from any level of mental health illness that is affecting your ability to carry out your work. Referral • You can refer yourself. • Your GP or other health professional can make the referral. • Your employer could refer you. • Any other organisation supporting you. You will need to complete and sign a referral form. (Unless you are receiving care from EPUT when your clinician can make a direct referral). To obtain a referral form: Phone: 0300 790 0573 Email: [email protected] www.eput.nhs.uk Scan the QR Code Alternatively complete the information below and post the form to Employment Services, Holmer Court, Essex Street, Colchester. CO3 3BT. Essex Employment Retention Service Expression of interest I am interested in receiving support from the Employment Retention Team: Name........................................................................................................... Town............................................................................................................ Telephone No............................................................................................... Email............................................................................................................