Myland Community Council Annual Report 2020
My thanks are extended to members of the Group for their support and to Cllr colleagues who are helping with Mapping and Greening our neighbourhoods. Cllr Pete Hewitt Chair, Neighbourhood Plan Working Group Members Cllr Robert Johnstone (Chair) Cllr John Dickson Cllr Clare Williams Mr Ken Stokes Mr Richard Beauchamp Functions/Aims/Responsibilities • Survey the Public Right of Way Network • Maintain footpaths and bridleways • Monitor all PRoW closures and diversions • Manage the Boxing Day Walk Successes and achievements 2019/20 We held eight litter picks and footpath clearing events during the year including the steps down to the A12 on FP39, on FP224 (Petrolea Close), and Myland Little Rec and Hakewill Way. We also replaced, or re-set the footpath signs on FP69 (beside Tower Lane) and FP39 (by the A12). Our participation in the Great British Spring Clean was unfortunately cancelled. MYLAND ACCESS GROUP
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