Mylander - Issue 83

Council Reports Resources, Policy & Strategy Committee During the current challenging times our street officer, Herbert, remains out in the early mornings keeping Myland tidy, a role which is especially important in view of the reduced recycling collections. He is wearing his Myland Community Council hi-vis jacket, so is identifiable and is working to current Government guidelines on social distancing. In recent months the Committee have undertaken performance management meetings for the employed staff and reviewed contracts with suppliers to ensure they remain appropriate and give value for money. We agreed recently to use an external cleaning contractor for our bus shelters to allow our street officer to focus on litter picking of hot spots, with more frequent visits to certain areas. As part of our remit we have agreed grants to several local organisations as a contribution to the vital work they do in the community, including Queen Boudica Primary School Nurture Group, Colchester and Ipswich Hospitals Charity and Together We Grow. We have also helped Make Lunch access and apply for a grant through Essex Community Foundation for a cooker to allow them to continue to provide good quality lunches during the school holidays to an increasing number of local families. We are currently assessing how in the coming months we can provide necessary financial support to as many local non-profit making organisations as we can, as they face fundraising shortfalls. To apply for funding, applicants should complete a funding request form available from the Clerk. Any application may be made, large or small, and applicants who have previously been awarded a grant may apply for further grants. Please contact the Clerk or any Councillor if you feel we may be able to help. Cllr Alison Jay Chair RP&S Committee 13