Mylander - Issue 83

20 Churches The Well Methodist Church Our main news is that we are 125 years old this year - or at least the building is! We had planned a special weekend on 6th – 7th June to celebrate this, but it has had to be post-poned due to the Coronavirus crisis. Once we have a new date we will advertise it. Similarly, our Saturday Coffee Mornings and the Tuesday Rainbow Toddler Group are cancelled until further notice. The Revd Barbara Glasson, President of the Methodist Conference, has written the following prayer which we share with our readers: Loving God, If we are ill, strengthen us. If we are tired, fortify our spirits. If we are anxious, help us to consider the lilies of the field and the birds of the air. Help us not to stockpile treasures from supermarkets in the barns of our larders. Don’t let fear cause us to overlook the needs of others more vulnerable than ourselves. Fix our eyes on your story and our hearts on your grace. Help us always to hold fast to the good, See the good in others, And remember there is just one world, one hope, One everlasting love, with baskets of bread for everyone. In Jesus we make our prayer, The one who suffered, died and was raised to new life, In whom we trust these days and all days, Amen. Even though we cannot have Sunday Services in our buildings, the Colchester Methodist Circuit has a YouTube Channel: And from our homes we can select services and reflections from there.