Mylander - Issue 83

34 Learning & Growing Rainbow Pre-school As I write this, we are closed and on lockdown from the Covid-19 virus. I hope many of you have managed to remain safe and well from this horrible virus. Regarding the preschool, we will be up and running again as soon as we can, and we are still offering spaces for the September intake. We provide childcare for children aged 2-4 years. We accept the 2 and 3 year old funding and the 30 hours additional funding. Our charges are £5 per hour for any child that isn’t funded. We are open, Monday, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 9-3pm, and provide 3, 4 or 6 hour sessions. We say goodbye to some of our children in July when they go to “big school”. Many of them have been with us two years, so this is going to hard to say goodbye to them, but we wish them all the best in the next step of their education, and hope to see them all again soon. To contact us please email: [email protected], call 07779349128 or visit our web site: for more information. Gina, Manager Myland Pre-school CIC On Wednesday 18th March we held a Mother’s day open morning and were pleased to welcome lots of mums, grans, nans, aunts etc. to join our session and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and some cake! We took part in Sports Relief from Monday 9th – Friday 13th March by wearing our sports gear to preschool and making donations to sports relief. OnWednesday 25th March we welcomed some new children and their parents into preschool for our open morning before they start their preschool sessions with us after the Easter holidays.