Mylander - Issue 83
38 Learning & Growing 1st & 2nd Myland Rainbows The Rainbows have been busy completing Reflect skills builder badge (1MR) and First Aid skills builder badge (2MR) this term. It is so good to see the variety of Interest badges they are doing at home too, such as Fruit & Veg, Drawing, Healthy Mind etc. We were delighted to present 2MR’s first Bronze awards this term as well. We held our first joint Myland Rainbow sleepover over this weekend when we renewed our Guiding promises and carried out lots of Promise related activities. The girls also worked on the AMEY Engineering challenge badge. We raised £36 for the World Association of Girl Guides & Girls Scouts Thinking Day fund. Everyone had a brilliant time, including the Leaders. Another highlight this term included celebrating Chinese New Year, saying a big Thank You to some of people who help us and we won’t be forgetting Mother’s Day either. Both units remain very popular and anyone considering signing up their girls to Girlguiding in Myland should do so sooner rather than later. We are always very interested to hear from any new adult volunteers who are looking to try out new activities and learn new skills. Do check out the registration page on the Girlguiding website: become-a-volunteer/register-your-interest/ Lorraine Boyle Myland Rainbow Guider
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