Mylander - Issue 83
9 Council Reports Community Engagement Committee In January the Health and Wellbeing working group, chaired by Cllr Law, was formed with the purpose of strengthening links with relevant community leaders, groups and residents, in order to potentially signpost residents who may be in need of additional help and assistance. If you have any ideas or thoughts that might be of interest to the H&W group please contact Cllr Law who will be happy to discuss these with you. On Saturday March 7th we held our Annual Tree and Shrub Giveaway at the Council office on Nayland Rd. The plants and trees available were chosen specifically to be attractive to birds and pollinators, as well as varieties suitable for smaller gardens and even balconies. There were approximately 50 green-fingered people ready and waiting when we opened up the gates at 9.30 in the morning. Local schools and groups, as well as residents, had the opportunity to come along and take up to five plants for their gardens, as part of Myland Community Council’s pledge to help ‘Green the Parish’. The MCC Facebook page has received some beautiful photos of spring bulbs from our November giveaway that have been appearing in recent weeks in residents’ gardens. Please keep the photos coming of your spring bulbs, trees and shrubs so that we can share some of them in the Mylander. The annual Myland fete is still set to go ahead on Bank Holiday Monday 31st August. We are monitoring the situation as carefully as we can in view of the Coronavirus outbreak and hope that should there be any change of plan, we will be able to report that in the next issue of the Mylander. Finally, I would like to wish all Mylanders the best of health during these difficult times. Cllr Marina de Smith
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