Mylander - Issue 84
11 Council Reports This information is taken from the Definitive Map, which is kept at County Hall Chelmsford. Copies are held at Rowan House and at Myland Community Council. You will have noticed that the map is called a “Highways Information Map” and so there are a few errors when it comes to Public Rights of Way. If you look at the southern part of the parish, on Petrolea Close by the railway line, you will see three lengths of footpath 224, firstly 305 metres, then a short 53 metre section, and then 246 metres in the final section, which reaches Turner Road. According to the official Statement, footpath 224 actually starts at North Station Roundabout and runs continuously for about 1000 metres! The Highway Authority who maintain Public Rights of Way obviously don’t speak to the Highway Authority who plan our roads! The routes that some of the paths are shown to take on this Highways Information Map are also not always correct, but it is a good guide! The next big issue for the Definitive Map is that it is due to be replaced by July 2022 – probably in an electronic format, and hopefully without any errors! Cllr Robert Johnstone B1022 LexdenRoad B1026 DruryRoad Shrub EndRoad MilitaryRoad B1025 A134 BerechurchRoad B1025 Abbot’sRoad OldHeathRoad HavenRoad Head Street St John’s Street A134 High Street BromleyRoad HawthornAve AvonWay ClingoeHill StAndrew’sAve A134 EastHill IpswichRoad St John’sRoad HarwichRoad BromleyRoad Longridge TurnerRoad A134 HighclereRoad Mile EndRoad B1508 The commons LondonRoad Church Lane A12 A12 TheGarrison Shrub End Playingfields BirchBrook OldHeath RecreationGround EastBay Allotment Porters Brook Riverside School Playing Fields BullockWood WelshWood Wivenhoe Park (University of Essex) SalaryBrook NatureReserve HighWoods Country Park TheWivenhoe Trail TheMoors BourneValley Bluebottle Grove Lexden Park NatureReserve Middlewick Ranges Spring Lane Park Lexden Springs NatureReserve Hilly Fields Cymbeline Meadows CharterWood Chesterwell Wood TheCastle Park BullMeadow Ber gholtRoad Allotment Mercers Farm Allotment ColchesterTown R i v e r C o l n e TheHythe Colchester RiverColne Colchester Cemetery Abbey Field Distillery Pond Mile End ChurnWood RiverColne Crockleford Heath Wall’sWood THE COLCHESTER ORBITAL (CYCLE) The Colchester Orbital (Cycle) is a 14-15-mile circular route around town, connecting some of our loveliest green spaces. Further information, including details of the Colchester Orbital Walk Guide and guidance on route accessibility, are also available from the Orbital website: . uk/the-colchester-orbital Suggestedstart: Middle Gate (Lower Castle Park), at the bottom of Maidenburgh Street. Grid ref: TL997256 Distance: 14.3/15.3 miles GPS link: O R B I T A L C O L C H E S T E R Supportedby ColchesterBoroughCouncil
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