Mylander - Issue 84

Learning & Growing Myland Pre-school CIC Well, it seems rather odd writing this in the current pandemic situation, but we hope that you are all well and keeping safe. On Friday 20th March, we had the directive from the government that due to the Covid-19 pandemic we needed to close with immediate effect. We currently are still closed but looking forward to returning to preschool in September. In May, we should have had our annual outing for our older children to Easton Farm Park in Easton near Woodbridge. Sadly of course this was unable to take place and we had to cancel the booking. Wednesday 24th June should have seen us taking part in the Barnardos’ Big Toddle. As this was unable to happen as a group event, children were encouraged to take part in their own individual toddles. They were challenged to take a toddle around their back garden or have an animal-themed scavenger hunt around the house or to take a toddle on the wild side, walking a set distance in the style of various animals. Instead of meeting teachers and taking some children to visit their schools as they prepare for their transition to primary school in September, we have completed transition forms for every child and sent them to the schools and had various telephone conversations and Zoom meetings with the schools. We have also been in contact with the families who will be starting with us in September and we look forward to welcoming them into the preschool as they start their educational journey with us. We are saying goodbye to 38 children who are graduating preschool to start primary school in September. We would like to wish them all every success in the future. 28