Mylander - Issue 84

9 Council Reports Concerns were raised over the recent works in Braiswick Lane, which is designated PRoW 42. Part of this road has recently been tarmacked and has upset locals. At our Committee meeting in July it was unanimously agreed to write to Essex County Council asking them to take urgent action to address this situation. We are grateful to County Councillor Anne Turrell for supporting us on this matter. Some of you will be aware of works commenced on Mill Road Sports Field, our future Community Green. These works are concerned with laying infrastructure for both the heat network and drainage solutions, both foul and storm drainage. Installation is also ongoing to create the Swale Pond on the southern western part and installation of the latter work should be completed by the time you receive this edition. The location and siting of these works is governed by outside factors which govern where they can be located. Now we are in the situation of holding meetings online via the Zoom app, meetings are still open to the public who can ask questions on agenda items. All agendas are posted on our website in advance and contain the link to join the meeting; If you have a particular question then I would suggest that you email [email protected] a day or so before the meeting, to ensure your question will be answered on the night. Cllr John Stewart, Chairman - Planning & Highways Committee Community Engagement Committee Sadly, we have taken the difficult decision, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, to cancel this year’s Fete, which was to take place on August 31st at the Mile End Recreation ground. Everyone involved in the Fete has made this decision with a heavy heart, knowing how much the Fete is looked forward to and enjoyed by so many people. However, given the situation, particularly relating to large gatherings and the likelihood that this will continue for some months - it was felt better to end any uncertainty.