Mylander - Issue 85

10 Council Reports Resources, Policy & Strategy Committee The RP&S committee continue to meet via Zoom and anyone is welcome to join us and put forward any relevant views. We have considered a number of financial governance issues and our next steps are to consider recommendations to Full Council as to how we wish to use funding from the precept raised by charges on residents from April 2021 as part of your Council Tax in the best way. We will have an initial budget review in our October meeting for agreement by the end of the year. We have no idea at this stage how Government funding will work in the next financial year as a result of current restrictions and it is very possible Parish Councils may find themselves relying more heavily on reserves if central funding is capped. We are in a good position financially but have a wide range of areas of interest in which we desire to continue supporting our community. Should anyone have any particular views on things they would like the Parish Council to focus on please contact me via email or through the Clerk as we would be interested in involving residents in the decision making process. Cllr Alison Jay Chair RP&S Committee Community Engagement Committee Although current restrictions have impacted our ability to hold regular events, such as the annual fete, we have focused on adapting our activities to ensure we can engage with our community as much as possible. In this issue, you will see details of our ever-popular ‘Annual Spring Bulb Giveaway’ on Saturday, 21st November, giving you the opportunity to choose from a selection of bulbs to add spring colour to your garden. This event has been planned to help keep our residents safe. Participants will need to book a slot to manage numbers collecting bulbs at any one time, and there will be a one-way system and hand sanitiser available, amongst other measures. Please do keep an eye on the Myland Community Council website and Facebook page for updates on our activities.