Mylander - Issue 86
From inside the community Mother’s Union We wish you a very happy New Year to all readers. Unfortunately there isn’t much to say at the moment. We (our members) are all in Tier 4 with us so we are unable to meet in person. It has been suggested that we hold our AGM on Zoom but we aren’t sure how many people have computers or the know-how to use Zoom. The Committee will have to meet and make decisions for us. We hope that by the time you receive the next issue there will be better news for all of us and we shall be able to tell you about meetings we will have planned. June Chandler, M.U. Secretary Census 2021 A census has taken place in England every ten years since 1801 (except 1941). A census gathers information about our society so that appropriate services can be put in place for everyone to enjoy now and in the future. Fans of the TV programme “Who Do You Think You Are” know the value of historic census data to family historians and genealogists, but data from the census impacts our lives every day, often without us even realising it. Did you know that water companies use census data to anticipate peak water demand? Or that the NHS uses census data to plan services such as hospitals and GP surgeries, child health and home support? Everything from schools to care home places are planned using census data to make sure that the needs of all age groups are met. Every aspect of our lives is impacted by the census, so it is vital that everyone participates to ensure the best possible understanding of the structure and needs of our society. By taking part, you can make sure that your community is represented and gets its share of funding to ensure the provision of services now and in the future. The next official census date is Sunday 21st March 2021, but everyone will be able to complete the census online at any time from the beginning of March 2021. 27
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