Mylander - Issue 86

36 Learning & Growing 1st & 2nd Myland Rainbows Happy New Year. Despite the ongoing challenges and restrictions, Myland Rainbows are continuing to meet this term, virtually, via weekly video sessions. The girls are taking part in lots of fun activities, completing many Rainbow programme badges. We ended last term awarding four Bronze, two Silver and a Gold too. Our fun challenge badges have been really popular ‘at home’ pursuits. The spring term is always very important in the Girlguiding calendar, when we annually celebrate Guiding around the world, on our founders birthday known as Thinking Day. But it is also a special birthday for 2nd Myland Rainbows, who will be 20 years old at the end of February 2021. We won’t be able to mark it quite as we would have liked, but if you are an ex member at 2nd Myland, we’d love to hear from any previous leaders, young leaders and girls. Contact [email protected]. Also don’t forget Myland Rainbows are still accepting new enquires, both for adult volunteers and girls. Register your interest on the Girlguiding website; Register your daughter HERE Register your interest HERE Lorraine Boyle Myland Rainbow Guider 2nd Myland Brownies It’s been a strange term, but we have been meeting weekly on ZOOM and really enjoying all our usual Brownie activities while safely tucked away at home looking at our computer screens. The girls have really been on board with it and have thrown themselves into all the activities, with parents support, often having to buy ingredients or getting bits and bobs to help us along with our crafts and cooking. The Brownies have loved earning badges, especially with more time at home and have completed way more than usual! Our new programme badges include things like archaeology, aviation, inventing, languages and painting. They have all been designed to do at home with minimum assistance, so have been perfect for us.