Mylander - Issue 86

6 • We hope to see the August Bank Holiday Fete back up and running this year and we will of course continue to support local needs and projects through our grant system. We shall also be working closely with our Ward and Country Council colleagues. Plenty to focus on and more to come. In the meantime please stay safe. Cllr Pete Hewitt Chairman of Myland Council Resources, Policy & Strategy Committee As a Committee, we continue to meet the challenge of making progress whilst working within the limits, as we all are, of not being able to meet and only catch up remotely. Where would we be without email and mobile phones! Our focus, in the most recent meetings, has been drafting and agreeing the budget for the 2021/22 financial year, to allow for newprojects and continuedwork on existing commitments, whilst working with the wish to keep costs to the residents at a similar level to previous years. We made careful consideration of the current reserve position and the requests from our various committees for new funds and this has resulted in a budget requirement of £250,570, an increase on the prior year of nearly £75,000. By increasing our use of existing project reserves we aim to keep the precept at a similar level to previous years. Each Parish Council forecasts the amount of funding it will require for the following year and requests this funding from its local Borough in the form of a precept tax, that is included within the local Council Tax, based on the number of properties in Band D each year. With the continued growth of Northern Colchester, we should see the MCC precept maintaining a similar level, as the number of households increases despite increasing budget requirements. Council Reports