Mylander Issue 87
Council Reports There are also many sites that have defibrillators inside their buildings but they are not available 24 hours a day and are not for community use, as the ones we have purchased will be. However, they will obviously be available along with First Aiders if you are on these sites and one of these sites is inside the local Asda store. The long-term plan for the Colchester Community First Responders is that all members of the public will be within 3 minute’s walk of an AED to try to save as many lives as possible. Councillor Pauline Bacon Myland Access Group Spring has certainly sprung, along with our fair share of April showers! I hope you are all managing to take advantage of the relaxation of some of the COVID-19 restrictions last month. The Myland Access Group’s contribution is that the Last Saturday Walks will resume again – well, they never really got started! On Saturday 30th May (and the last Saturday of every month), we will be meeting at 10am at the War Memorial. Opposite St Michael’s Church, at the top of Mile End Road/bottom of Nayland Rd. Each Saturday morning we will walk for under an hour around the footpaths around the playing fields, in Chesterwell Woods, and alongside the golf course – perhaps venturing further afield in the summer months. Even under the current restrictions, all walks will be conducted in a COVID secure manner – two metre social distancing will be maintained. Potential walkers must register with Robert on 07958 562041 before the walk, for tracing purposes. No equipment will be shared and plenty of sanitisation gels and wipes will be available. I look forward to seeing up to ten of you on Sat 20th May. These Last Saturday Walks (LSW for short), will be a gentle stroll, whatever the weather, for anyone who has missed getting out in the fresh air over the last few months and months, and allow like minded people to meet up – all be it at two metres! The thought of walking may have whetted your appetite somewhat to be slightly more adventurous – have a think about local (-ish) walks you can do on our large network of footpaths and bridleways. 19
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