Mylander Issue 87
24 Churches The Well Methodist Church As we write, Spring is in full swing, the days are lengthening and the hope and joy of Easter are with us. Also, the dreadful virus which has affected us all, would seem to be coming under control in this country at least. These all lift our spirits. At a Church Council in early March, we discussed when we might re-open The Well Methodist Church for Sunday worship. We decided to aim for the first Sunday in July, subject to Government regulations, and this would be reviewed at a meeting in early June. Also, as well as continuing with MakeLunch Myland, we are exploring the possibility of being a centre for a Food Pantry, where people who register with the scheme will be able to buy food and toiletries at the most minimum of cost. Any developments will be found on our church website: CLICK HERE We continue to meet virtually and details can be found on our Circuit website: CLICK HERE This includes all the Sunday services available, as well as midweek meetings. We are not sure when Toddler Group will start once Government regulations allow us to. We said goodbye to our Leaders Jan and Melissa, last year and we were very grateful for their leadership. Because of the coronavirus, we were not able to express our thanks with everyone present. It does mean, however, before we can start up again we need suitable leaders – people who sympathise with the ethics and values of the Methodist Church and who are willing to give their time regularly and voluntarily. Please contact Di if you are interested. As a church, we like to support our community prayerfully and practically, so please do get in touch if you think we can help. Keith and Di Thompson Tel: Col 844252 Email:
[email protected]
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