Mylander Issue 87
5 Chairman’s Report Following the resignation of Cllr John Stewart, we have now successfully filled our Council vacancy. We welcome Mrs Jackie Lester to the team. Jackie has previously served on the Council in its former status as a Parish Council. She brings experience and a passion for Myland and its residents. As I write, the result is still awaited for the Mersea Homes appeal to have permanent access from Chesterwell to Mile End Road via Bartholomew Court. We, at MCC, have objected twice to this application. I have been walking much of Myland lately as it continues to develop and most recently visited the site of the new sports site across the A12, the new home for the Rugby Club and much more besides. It is an impressive site. The careful easing of Covid restrictions does not change much for the operation of Council business. We still need to hold meetings via Zoom. Committee meetings are open to the public and on-line access can be gained from a link on the published agendas, which are available on the MCC website: CLICK HERE Your Councillors continue to progress projects and activities and some of these will be mentioned in this Mylander edition. Cllr Pete Hewitt Chairman of Myland Community Council
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