Mylander - Issue 88
12 Council Reports He also noticed the litter in the small piece of woodland near his house and wanted to tidy it up – so he has put his name down with the local council to be a ‘litter warrior’ and is waiting for his litter picker to do this safely. Entered by Myland Community Primary School The judges said: ‘We thought it was amazing that at the age five years old Arthur took such an active interest in looking after the planet, and carried out so many activities around this topic. Keep up the good work!’ Entrant Activity Entry category Group/school entry Elliot Heppel Planting trees in Colchester Caring for the environment and nature Elliot is a great wildlife and nature enthusiast and has taken part in many tree planting sessions. Elsie Jackson Litter picking Caring for the environment and nature 2nd Myland Rainbows Elsie carried out litter picking as part of her ‘Helper’ badge and has continued ever since. Max Nachman, Miles Heppel and Jack Andrews School and community litter pick Caring for the environment and nature Myland Community Primary School As well as litter picking in their own time the boys have encouraged other pupils to pick up litter. Syrena Swinger Collecting food for the foodbank Helping others in the community Over Christmas Syrena got 105kg of food donated to Colchester Foodbank. Look out for details of how to enter young people for the 2022 Pride of Myland award in future issues of the Mylander! Awarded highly commended certificates
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