Mylander - Issue 88
Council Reports 8 Myland Access Group By the time you read this we should all be, hopefully, living somewhere near normality, without any rules of six, social distancing or face masks. I, like many others, will still be slightly apprehensive, still avoiding large crowds and washing my hands a little more than I used to! During the past six months the Myland Access Group have been leading walks on the last Saturday of each month – We call them the Last Saturday Walks – L.S.W. for short. We will be meeting again on the 28th August, 25th Sept and the 30th October. Always at the War Memorial and always at 10am – hope to see you there on one of these Saturdays. We have also been leading litter picks throughout the parish, as part of the Great British Spring Clean. We had sessions at the Mill Rd rec, Mile End playing fields, around ASDA and in the copse beside Gavin Way, near the Brinkley Grove roundabout. Thanks to all the members of the public who came along, we collected loads of bags of litter, plastic bottles, old newspapers, sweet wrappers, tin cans, cigarette ends – oh! and face masks! There may even be a few more litter picks if the good weather lasts. Keep an eye on the Myland Community Council website and social media for news of where and when. Every year we try, (normally not very successfully!), to survey all the Public Rights of Way (PRoW), in Myland. What with all the development and the building of houses and roads, the area is constantly changing, This year we’re determined to have a better go at it and document it better too. We’ve made a start by dividing the parish, (with its 30 footpaths and two bridleways), up into six segments and taking one segment each. (It’s a shame that there are only five of us, but Ken has decided to do two segments – well, he drew the segments in the first place!) Hopefully, you’ll see the results here in about three months. Finally we are please to see that Footpath 46. (Fords Lane and its continuation), which had been diverted for over 16 months, is now open for use again. It only had a legal diversion for 12 months, so for four months it was illegally obstructed and we are not quite sure why! However the diversion through Chesterwell Woods was extremely pleasant and we are hoping to make this a permanent feature. Enjoy the rest of the summer. Robert Johnstone
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