Mylander - Issue 89

20 From inside the community Neighbourhood Plan FUTURE QUALITY OF LIFE IN MYLAND & BRAISWICK There is no doubt that Myland in particular has had, and continues to have, significant development. There are also pockets of land earmarked for housing in Braiswick. Many new families have arrived to enjoy the area and we hope find a quality of life they are pleased with. A new home in pleasant surroundings is surely a major factor in how we desire to live. Of course, there are other very important factors, such as access to schools, doctors, shops, recreation, green space and safe routes to key destinations. Community Focus on Quality of Life is the sub-title and core theme of the Myland and Braiswick Neighbourhood Plan. This is an important document that sets the scene for the future and has equal status with Colchester Borough’s Local Plan. Our Plan reflects the views of residents at the time of its adoption in 2016. It is now due for review and with lots of new neighbours, many with young families, we need to know whether the Plan’s current vision, objectives and policies remain valid or need to change. We would like to hear your views on what quality of life means to you living in Myland and Braiswick. The Plan is your vehicle to have your say. The current subject areas covered by the Plan are shown on the page opposite and the full Plan can be found under Council Business on the MCC website: CLICK HERE We are preparing a survey that will be offered via social media streams, such as the MCC website, the MCC e-letter and Facebook pages. If you prefer a hard copy version please let us know on 01206 853400 or email: OUR CLERK HERE PETE HEWITT HERE or 07745 333368