Mylander - Issue 89
31 From inside the community On the subject of vaccinations, we are also an important part of the Covid-19 booster vaccine program. Again, there is a useful link to check if you are eligible: CLICK HERE. We would encourage those eligible to get it as soon as possible, as long as six months has passed since your second covid-19 vaccination. The surgery continues to adapt over the past 18 months as a result of the pandemic and more face-to-face appointments with GP’s and other clinicians are available, while equally trying to minimise risks to our patients and staff at the same time. We understand it’s frustrating to be on hold for a long period of time trying to get an appointment at times, but our hard working receptionists will get through the wait as fast as possible, so please bear with us and don’t give up! Ashley Moore Paramedic Practitioner / Nurse Manager Women’s Institute We’re back! It has been a great joy to report that in August, the W.I. resumed meetings after so many months apart. Whilst still maintaining social distancing and wearing masks for some of the time, we began by listening to John Barter give a very interesting talk on the History of Frinton-on–Sea. He showed us slides and it was fascinating seeing how seaside fashions have evolved over the years! In September, Gillian McClure gave a very informative talk on her experience of being an author and illustrator of children’s books. She had some of the original art work which was an added bonus. The October meeting saw the return of Bill Roberts, who spoke of Funny Things in the life of a Policeman. He was based in the Southend area and experienced going on the beat, training to drive and was in firearms, so had quite a few tales to tell!