Mylander - Issue 89

Council Reports Planning and Highways Committee Along with the normal amount of domestic planning applications, we have responded in our role as a statutory consultee to the Local Planning Authority – CBC, on a couple of applications. These were - 211987 Phase 2 Rapid Transit Route, which was concerned with the bus corridor alongside the NAR, and 210648, concerning reserved matters on the Chesterwell site. At the time of writing, no decision has been reached by CBC on the Rapid Transit Route. We did meet, (along with Cllr David King), with residents affected by this road and the positioning of the acoustic fence. We reflected their concerns on these issues, as well as about the removal of a pedestrian crossing at the Mill Rd junction. The reserved matters on Chesterwell have been approved with the removal of the Boxted Road element, the slight relocation of the sub-station (removing any noise issues), and moving the layout to prevent any issues regarding overlooking. We also attended an Appeal hearing about the proposed opening up of Bartholomew Close to traffic – it had been designed as a bus gate. The Planning Inspector heard all the evidence, and we expect his decision in the coming few weeks. The appeal against CBC’s decision to refuse planning approval for 5 apartments next to the Bricklayers’ car park in Mile End Road is also currently in progress via the “written representations procedure.” We await this Inspector’s decision with interest. MCC have also recently agreed to join the ECC Highways Devolution Scheme, which will allow us to schedule some minor maintenance works to the highway – road signs, weed control, hedge maintenance etc. This is being viewed very much as a testing of the waters, with the intention to gradually build up competence and inter-working. We will also be taking part in a couple of Zoom sessions, firstly with ECC on the Safer Essex Roads Partnership, and then with the Essex Association of Local Councils for a Highways Multi Topic Briefing, as well as taking part in ECC’s annual Highways User Survey. Robert Johnstone Chair, Planning and Highways Committee 7