Council Reports through Chesterwell – Cordelia Drive. ECC’s plans for this were apparently disrupted by the Government’s publication of “Gear Change”, which does not approve of cycles and pedestrians sharing the same space. Another awaited decision. Have a good 2022. Robert Johnstone Chair, Planning and Highways Committee Myland Access Group We told you in the previous issue of The Mylander, that we had received from Essex County Council their latest Definitive Statement. This Statement lists every public footpath and bridleway in Myland; where it starts and finishes, and sometimes an indication of its width. ECC have a legal duty to keep such records up to date and also to inform the relevant parish (and the public), of any changes. There were three such changes, of which Myland Community Council were not aware. Public Footpaths 46, 79 and 224 have all had lengths removed – we most certainly would have raised them earlier if we had known about them. Footpath 46 runs from Nayland Road at the mini-roundabout towards the west where it meets footpath 38, near the golf course, – at least it used to until quite recently when ECC decided that it had been “subsumed into adopted road” at Fords Lane (by Essex County Council I presume!) This happened about twenty years ago when Howards Croft was built. Footpath 79 used to run to the east from Turner Rd into Highwoods Country Park – it now only starts at the entrance to Highwoods. Again this development took place around twenty years ago and yet ECC decided in 2019 that a length of this footpath, along the adopted road, should be deleted. Finally, footpath 224 runs in a large loop from the station roundabout past ASDA to the edge of Highwoods Country Park and then through the Turner Rise development, finishing in Turner Road. This was obviously far too inconvenient, and so the section along Petrolea Close has been deleted and a further two sections in Turner Rise have been deleted, making footpath 224 into three sections. 10