The Mylander - Issue 90 - Deb to Apr 2022

From inside the community Women’s Institute How time flies! Here we are at the start of another New Year, which we hope will see a return to normality. The W.I. members spent an enjoyable meeting in November with Dorothy O’Grady, as she showed us various ways of wrapping up gifts. Many of the ideas included using what would normally be considered ‘rubbish’, but hopefully our wrapping of Christmas gifts gave an unusual approach and certainly will have given a new meaning to recycling! Instead of a Christmas Party, many of the members enjoyed an early Festive Lunch at ‘The Cricketers’ at Eight Ash Green. The venue was beautifully decorated, the meal was superb and the service was great. It was a really happy occasion and made us all feel ready for the lead up to Christmas. Isobel held a coffee morning in her home nearer to Christmas, which gave those who attended a chance to relax. Although only a few members turned out for our January meeting, those who did were given many tips by Carrie Ransom on how to change our lifestyles to enable the reduction of aches and pains in our lives. In February, we shall be welcoming John Jones again for a showing of films from East Anglia. His evenings are always very popular and we look forward to watching his choice of films for us. The March meeting sounds intriguing! Andy Bennett will be presenting Social History through the Eyes of Mildred, my Austin 7. We eagerly anticipate what revelations Mildred will have for us. In May, our AGMwill be held, when various elections of officers will be made. It’s never too late to make a New Year Resolution, so why not make yours to come along and sample the W.I.? We meet on the first Friday of each month at the Highwoods Community Centre at 7.30pm. Visitors are always welcome so why not come along and meet some friendly faces. You won’t regret it! Sandra Jones 16