From inside the community Property can also be marked in a number of different ways depending on the item of property such as engraving, marking with indelible or UV pens, and there are marking products such as: SelectaDNA, SmartWater, CRE mark by CRE products to name but a few (always check the suitability of the method of marking for the property item). With jewellery and antiques, don’t forget to take photographs of it, include an “Object ID card” or ruler in a photograph to give it a scale. Some of these property marking products may also be suitable for these and you can now upload photographs of your property to Immobilise too. Many TVs, personal music devices, computers and other electronics come pre-loaded with security and/or tracking software; make sure that it is activated. If you are storing valuable college work or other on a laptop or mobile device, don’t forget to back up your work elsewhere, just in case you lose it or it is stolen. Smart phones/mobile devices: Don’t forget to make a note of the IMEI number of a mobile phone, to find it key in *#06#, with this if it’s stolen you can block it. You can download an app on mobile phones to find your phone and more importantly wipe that data stored on it, (check your app store or mobile phone provider). A little reminder –when texting or talking on phones or listening to music, remain “in touch” with your surroundings; a number of road accidents, thefts and assaults occur when we fail to note what’s going on around us, don’t forget to pass this advice on to children. For further crime prevention advice see: And for suitable security products see: Stephen Armson-Smith Crime Prevention Tactical Advisor 23