Mayne Veterinary clinic is a small independent veterinary practice on Bergholt Road near North Station in Colchester. We’ve been making pets feel better since 1975, that’s just one reason why we’re such a popular family vet – we’ve looked after generation after generation of pets for local people. That special continuity of care and our famously warm personal service mean we get to know you and your pet well. We make every effort to make sure you see the same team member each time you visit, something that makes you feel even more comfortable and cared for. T : 0 1 2 0 6 8 5 1 3 3 8 E : r e c e p t i o n@ma y n e v e t s . c o . u k A SMALL VETERINARY PRACTICE WITH A BIG HEART 1st Myland Beavers, Cubs and Scouts So, Covid hasn’t stopped scouting in Myland and It’s been great to actually getting back faceto-face with the young people at last. We have even had some camping and nights away as well, slowly scouting in Myland seems to be returning to a bit of normality. The groups are continuing to do well and having fun; the Beavers have been to Highwoods Country Park, done nature walks, learnt different knots, learnt the phonetic alphabet and even learnt the Beaver promise in French, they have studied air activities and made poppies for the war memorial. The Cubs have been scientists, making switches, dissecting owl pellets and done experiments, they have had a martial arts evening and made pizzas, they even went on a winter camp with two other groups from the district in November to Thorrington. The Scouts have made woggles out of paracord, had a debate evening and bake-off night, Learning & Growing