The Mylander - Issue 90 - Deb to Apr 2022

and made some wonderful shields on their return. Our Year 6 pupils visited the Braintree Museum as part of their work on World War 2, and had a fantastic day being evacuees. They looked amazing and had a wonderful time. We came together as a whole school outside in November to mark Remembrance Day. It was really special to be able to take time together to reflect on the sacrifices made over the years, and the event was made evenmorememorable thanks to the beautiful trumpet playing of one of our parents. Thank you so much to him for making that possible. We had a non-uniform day for Children in Need in November, and raised a total of £413. We were really pleased to be able to support this worthwhile charity, and appreciated everyone’s donations. Our School Council organised a very successful campaign in order to support the Colchester Foodbank, and thanks to everyone’s generosity, we were able to donate 120kg of food goods to the Foodbank early in December. Well done and thank you everyone! Our Christmas celebrations were extra-special this year, andwewere delighted towelcome Revd. Gibbs to school on several occasions to work with different age groups. Year 3 pupils greatly enjoyed making Christingles, and pupils in Year 1 loved learning about the Posada. We held some very successful (and socially distanced) Christmas performances, and are really grateful to our families for helping us to ensure that these could take place safely. It was lovely to see the nativity story being told, and we really enjoyed singing carols at St. Michael’s church. Our Christmas Jumper Day School Lunch during the last week of term raised £73 for charity, and there were some amazing outfits! We all had lots of fun and the food was delicious. We all hope that 2022 has started well for you and your families, and we are looking forward to longer hours of daylight and the forthcoming Spring weather. Take care everyone. Clare Woodward Headteacher, Queen Boudica Primary School Learning & Growing 31