The Mylander - Issue 90 - Deb to Apr 2022

MCC—What have your Council been doing? • Litter: We are working hard on making sure that the areas visited regularly by our own Street Officer are those where there are most litter problems. We are working closely with our Ward Councillors to look at providing replacement litter bins, for those that are damaged. In October we paid for the installation of a plastic and can recycling bin on Mill Road Playing Field to encourage recycling. We also have a supply of high vis jackets and litter pickers available. Please contact our Clerk if you feel you could do your part in keeping the street tidy. • Recycling: From late December we agreed to be a recycling click and collect pick up point for Colchester Borough Council, for replacement garden and recycling bags and boxes. Our Clerk will be available Wednesdays and Fridays from 8am until 11am for those needing to collect items and will need you to provide an order code from the CBC website: • Bus shelters: We are responsible for a number of bus shelters around the Parish, and as well as regular cleaning if reported to us via the Clerk, we can arrange for broken perspex to be taken away and quick repairs. Council Reports 7