From inside the community number of attractive, fragrant plants of a spiky nature such as climbing roses, pyracantha and berberis and other planting of a dense nature that can work quite well. Have a chat at your garden centre or with the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) for the right plant for the right location. We actively work with the RHS at Hyde Hall and there are a number of mature examples of defensive planting that can be viewed there, and some very knowledgeable people that can advise you. 2. New plants: Larger plants etc. can be secured to land or rootball anchors or plant through chicken wire covering the area with soil. Cement or bolt down containers to the ground. The RHS or your local garden centre or DIY store should be able to help. 3. Working in the garden: It is easy to get engrossed in what you are doing when working in the garden, if the house is empty it is wise to close and lock the door (don’t forget the key though!). Remember when you stop for a break put your tools away, and at the end of the day as well as putting tools away put the wheelbarrow and wheelie bin away too. “It will add insult to injury” if your tools are used to break into your house, a neighbour’s, nearby building such as a church, or provide a climbing aid or method of carrying things away. 4. New tools and lawn mowers: Be mindful of how you dispose of the packaging to your new purchases; don’t advertise it to the thieves and burglars with your empty boxes on display outside for roadside collection. Fold boxes inside out or break them up and put them in bag for collection. If you are not using your lawn mower, jet washer or other put it away out of sight from prying eyes. 5. Property marking: It may deter a thief if your property or flower pots is visibly security marked with your house number and post code such as CRE PRODUCTS or labelled if a forensic (hidden) property marking system is used such as SMART WATER or SELECTADNA. You can also record the serial numbers of any tools HERE. If your property does get stolen with property marking and/or recording, there is a greater chance of you getting it back. For suitable security products look for the Secured by Design or Sold Secure logo’s and for further garden security advice see the following webpages: ESSEX POLICE SECURED BY DESIGN SOLD SECURE RHS Stephen Armson-Smith Crime Prevention Tactical Advisor 23