Trefoil Guild One thing I am often asked is; “What is the Trefoil Guild?” My answer; “It’s Guiding/Scouting for adults”. Many, like myself, are or have been, volunteers with Girlguiding or Scouting, but that is not a necessity. Anyone, agedover 18, who subscribes to the aims andprinciples of the organisations may be a member. It’s somewhere to make new friends and also to enjoy spending time with old ones, to get active, involved and to give support, both to Guild members, and to the Guiding & Scouting units in our local area. Colchester Guild warmly welcomes new members. To find out more: VISIT HERE, the front page has a link on how to join. Our Guild is now back meeting monthly in the Parish Halls. We enjoy making and learning different crafts and activities both indoors and outside. Definitely our motto would be: You are never too old to learn new skills or stretch yourself with a challenge. So far this year we have thought about how we can help protect the environment and using various media are creating a banner that will display many of the environmental and climate challenges we face and ways to implement change. We had a fun time, (following our AGM), making a neck aromatherapy support out of a sock, rice and essential oils. They actually worked and looked great. One of our members, who loves flower arranging, shared her talent by giving us all a lesson and helping us create our own display. Next month we are going on a walking tour of Colchester with Sir Bob Russell. Hopefully, we will have some photos of that in the next edition of The Mylander. Esther Wilde Colchester Trefoil Learning & Growing 45