Mylander - Issue 92

Council Reports “This pylon infrastructure is neither wanted nor needed considering the viable option of undersea power cables.” Colchester Borough Council leader David King said: “This proposal is causing deep concern to many residents, especially in north Colchester where the impact will be greatest. We, of course, welcome the increase in renewable energy, however, the proposed onshore plans would mean large pylons dominating our landscape, having a negative impact on our countryside and biodiversity.” “I want to be clear, we share those concerns. This is a completely unacceptable and lazy proposal by National Grid, lacking evidence, costing or alternatives.” “Greater thought and protection must be included for our beautiful countryside and biodiversity.” Myland Community Council agrees entirely. On a different subject we are embarking on a project to identify which authority is responsible for the upkeep of verges, green spaces, overhanging vegetation etc. It is usually Estate Management companies, Essex County Council or Colchester Borough Council, but despite some advice to the contrary it is extremely unlikely to be Myland Community Council. Once we find out who is responsible for what, we will be better able to provide advice to Myland residents. We will report back on our findings. Meanwhile, as I have just stood down frommy role as Chairman of the Planning and Highways Committee, I would like to welcome our new chair, Cllr Gary Braddy! (I’ll still be keeping an eye on highways issues!) Robert Johnstone (the previous!) Chair, Planning and Highways Committee 10