From inside the community Holly Blue, Orange Tip, Gatekeeper, Meadow Brown, Small Copper, Comma, Brimstone, Small Tortoiseshell, Red Admiral, Peacock, Painted Lady, Large White, Small White and now, Speckled Wood. Some of these are seen regularly in the garden and some are fleeting visitors. The brimstone is fleeting, but a joy to see with its distinctive vibrant yellow that makes you stop and watch its passage across the garden. The range of flowers and shrubs is the key, not only for the nectar, but we also allow some that are species-specific in terms of egg laying and feeding on e.g. the Red Admiral uses nettles, so we tolerate a few to grow under the hazels. The Holly Blue is thriving because of our ivy hedge, which is clearly a habitat it is very happy with. It is worth giving some thought to what you plant in the garden if you like the idea of attracting butterflies and having the pleasure of seeing some of those that can the brighten your day with their colour and drifting flight. Pete Hewitt Mayne Veterinary clinic is a small independent veterinary practice on Bergholt Road near North Station in Colchester. We’ve been making pets feel better since 1975, that’s just one reason why we’re such a popular family vet – we’ve looked after generation after generation of pets for local people. That special continuity of care and our famously warm personal service mean we get to know you and your pet well. We make every effort to make sure you see the same team member each time you visit, something that makes you feel even more comfortable and cared for. T : 0 1 2 0 6 8 5 1 3 3 8 E : r e c e p t i o n@ma y n e v e t s . c o . u k A SMALL VETERINARY PRACTICE WITH A BIG HEART