Mylander - Issue 92

From inside the community Women’s Institute It has been good to return to normal W.I. meetings and gradually our numbers are creeping up once more. It has been great to welcome a few new members. As we left our last meeting, we all remarked how lovely it was to be going home and it was still light! Our last three months have been varied – May was our Annual General Meeting, during which time all the Committee Members agreed to serve for another year. Once the business had been dealt with, Brenda Eyers gave a most relaxed demonstration of flower arranging and several members were delighted to receive the arrangements that she had created as prizes in the raffle. June fell on the Queen’s Jubilee Bank Holiday, so the evening meeting had been changed to a lunch time Garden Party at the home of one of our Committee Members. Eighteen people enjoyed sandwiches, cake, fruit and drinks in glorious sunshine. It was a very memorable occasion and much appreciated by those who attended. July and Liz Huxley gave a beautiful slide show and talk on the Colours of Summer. It certainly made us all realise that we do take for granted just what a wonderful world we are able to enjoy. We shall all be looking more closely at our beautiful surroundings in the future. Our next three months of meetings look very inviting - August will be John Barter talking about Shelley Pottery 1880 – 1966, September sees the return of Brenda Eyers, when this time ‘Hats’ will be her subject and then in October, Katie Cole will tell us about Nancy, Noor and Christine – Three Women of SOE. If you feel any of thesemeetings will interest YOU, why not come along to one of our meetings? You will be assured of a warm welcome - we are a friendly bunch of ladies! The meetings are held in Highwoods Community Centre at 7.15pm on the first Friday of each month. Don’t be shy – we’d love to see you! Sandra Jones 19