Mylander - November to January 2023 - Issue 93

Nov to Jan2023 Issue 93 Funded by Myland Community Council FREE TheMylander K E E P I N G T H E C O M M U N I T Y I N F O R M E D Helping Myland Switch to Greener Motoring Foster with Essex County Council Light up a Life this Christmas with St Helena Hospice

Located in Colchester, Essex Call Rhiannon on 07722 404889 to Sign-up Evolution Foundation College Unit A3, The Seedbed Centre, Wyncolls Road, Severalls Business Park, Colchester, Essex CO4 9HT F O U N D A T I O N C O L L E G E F i n d t h e P o t e n t i a l i n Y o u Evolut ion ADULT DANCE CLASSES BALLET, TAP & 'BROADWAY' BOOGIE Classes Start Monday 10th January £5 for 1 class, £9 for 2 classes, £12.50 for ALL 3 classes Ballet - 7pm-7.45pm Broadway Boogie - 8.30pm-9.15pm Tap - 7.45pm-8.30pm la ses on Monday and Tuesd y £5 per class Located in Colchester, Essex Call Rhiannon on 07722 404889 to Sign-up Evolution Foundation College Unit A3, The Seedbed entre, Wyncolls Road, Severalls Business Park, Colchester, Essex CO4 9HT F O U N D A T I O N C O L L E G E F i n d t h e P o t e n t i a l i n Y o u volut ion B , TAP, JAZZ & 'BROADWAY' B OGI Tap Monday - 7.45pm - 8.30pm NEW Jazz Tuesday - 7.15pm - 8.00pm Broadway Boogie Monday - 8.30pm - 9.15pm Ballet Monday - 7pm - 7.45pm Tuesday - 8pm - 8.45pm L , TAP, JAZ & ‘BROADWAY’ BO E

3 Keep up to date with local news, updates and events on Facebook: facebook @Myland Community Council MYLAND COMMUNITY COUNCIL Office: 101 Nayland Road, Colchester, CO4 5EN Office Hours: 8.30 - 11.00am (Monday to Friday) Tel: 01206 853400 Website: The Mylander Keeping The Community Informed The Mylander is funded by Myland Community Council as a community service. It is issued quarterly and distributed to every household in the parish. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Myland Community Council. Articles and information are reproduced in good faith. Contents 5. Chair’s report 7. Council reports 18. Churches 24. From inside the community 36. Learning and growing

Myland Community Council The Chair Alison Jay 07761 729054 Vice Chair Pete Hewitt 853942 Office: 01206 853400 Email [email protected] Clerk: Katherine Kane [email protected] Editor: Katie Maddocks [email protected] Anglian Water Emergency Services 0800 771 881 Age UK – Free call 0800 055 6112 NHS Blood and Transplant Donor Information 0300 123 23 23 Camulos Academy 588588 Childline – Free call 0800 1111 Colchester Borough Council – Enquiries 282222 Colchester Police Station 101 Colchester Community Policing Team [email protected] Crimestoppers – Free call 0800 555 111 Gas Emergency Services – Free call 0800 111 999 High Woods Country Park, Turner Road 853588 Mile End Methodist Church, Rev. Ken Chalmers 545253 Church Hall Hire, Keith Thompson 844252 Mill Road Surgery, Mill Road 845900 Myland Parish Halls Hire (Sarah King) 07518 437488 Myland School, Mill Road 852109 NHS Advice Line 111 NSPCC – Free call 0800 800 5000 Priest-in-Charge, Parish of Myland, Revd Ray Gibbs 843926 Queen Boudica School 844654 St Joseph Church, Mgr. Chris Brooks 866317 Samaritans, Walsingham Road 116123 Phone numbers are 01206 unless otherwise stated Pauline Bacon 07929 903484 Clare Bailey 842327 Gary Braddy c/o 853400 Catherine Clouston 07785 987 734 David Clouston 07748 064 562 Marina de Smith 07791 463 080 Jocelyn Law c/o 853400 Winston Browne c/o 853400 John Dickson c/o 853400 Martin Goss 07912 396335 Phil Coleman 07808 530587 Alan Hayman c/o 853400 Alison Jay 07761 729054 Robert Johnstone 853204 Clare Williams c/o 853400 Mark Fried c/o 853400 4

Chair’s Report When I sat down to write my last Chair’s report I could never have anticipated that by the time I would be writing my next message we would have a new Prime Minister and a new Monarch. I am sure you all join Myland Community Council in offering sincere condolences to the Royal Family on the recent death of Queen Elizabeth II. As we move forward into a new era with King Charles III we can reflect and be grateful for 70 years of steady leadership and service. In Myland we have seen two great events since our last issue; the re-dedication of the Severalls memorial and our summer Fete. Both are mentioned in detail elsewhere in this issue, but a huge thank you to those Councillors involved in arranging them and to you all for supporting us by attending. The events were very different, one moving and one celebratory, but it was good to see the community come together again after our Jubilee Picnic in such a positive way. Many of you visited the MCC stall at the fete and we were delighted to be able to help by resolving issues brought to us. It is what we are here for and please contact the Clerk if there is anything else you think we could help with. We have tried hard over the years to make sure care is taken to preserve the heritage of the memorial location and the development around it, and our grateful thanks must go to our former Chair John Stewart who was instrumental in this process. I recently attended the Local Government AuthorityPeer Challengeat theTownHall. Colchester Borough Council have invited stakeholders, Officers and Councillors to a 4-day process of peer review providing a performance assessment and the meeting I attended focused on how CBC interact with us and how effectively they deal with issues raised and suggestions for improvements from the Parish perspective. We hope to progress our communications with CBC so that we can work effectively in providing what we think is needed in our Parish. 5

We are working with the YMCA and hope to bring news soon of a new youth club in Myland and we are also looking at supporting other activities to engage our residents . We recently paid for the installation of a new outdoor table tennis table opposite Myland School and we hope it will in time be as well used as the first provided by CBC at Mill Road Recreation Ground. Thanks to Councillor Goss for making sure this happened. October is the time when we start to think of what we need to plan and budget for in the next financial year so if there is anything you think we should be addressing please let us know. We have ideas on electric vehicle charging, a Coronation event and further youth activities in addition to our usual services cleaning bus shelters, street services and looking after our assets. Cllr Alison Jay Chair of Myland Council 07761 729054 [email protected] Chair’s Report 9 Myland Community Council MYLAND BOXING DAY WALK 10AM, 26TH DECEMBER MEET AT ST MICHAEL’S PARISH HALLS IN AID OF LOCAL CAUSES RAFFLE • REFRESHMENTS MINCE PIES • DOGS WELCOME Council Reports Each walk will be less than one and a half hours long, and will visit some of the lovely green spaces we have around Myland – including High Woods Country Park, Chesterwell Woods, Tower Lane and much more! As mentioned above, (and probably lsewhere in this issue), the oxing Day walk will be Saturday 26th December starting at 10am at the Myland Parish Halls – just across the road from the War Memorial. This is a fundraising event which has been held every year for the last twenty years or so, rasing money for local good causes. The route that we take follows the parish boundary (give or take the odd obstruction like the A12!), and is approximately six and half miles long – and takes around two and a half hours. It is free to come on the walk, although donations would b most gratefully received on behalf of Young at Heart! There will be also a raffle (with the usual fantastic prizes!), dogs and children welcome! If you’ve never been on this walk, it is a great way to meet your neighbours, discover shortcuts and different walking routes as well as getting rid of some of the excesses of Christmas! Cllr Robert Johnstone 6

Council Reports Your guide to Myland Community Council Meetings Myland Community Council (MCC) currently has three standing committees; Planning & Highways; Resources, Policy & Strategy; Events Committee. Please see below for their upcoming meetings. 1. Planning & Highways MCC has the statutory right to be consulted on all planning applications, within the boundary of the parish. The Committee will look at each application and agree the response to be submitted to Colchester Borough Council, who will make the final decision. The applications range from small household extensions, right up to larger developments. Currently the Committee is also tracking progress on the Severalls and Chesterwell developments. Upcoming meetings: 7th December, 4th January 2023 2. Resources, Policy & Strategy This Committee is responsible for keeping an eye on Council finances; making sure the Council is within budget and making plans for future years. The Committee each year will make recommendation to the full Council regarding the amount of the precept, which pays for MCC services. Upcoming meetings: 23rd November, 18th January 2023 3. Events Committee The Events Committee will oversee organisation of the Summer Fete and the Bulb and Seed Giveaways, and provide the continuing monthly Community Meetings at the Well Methodist Church Hall. The Committee will also look to provide new events for the benefit of residents of the parish. 4. Full Council Meetings Full council meetings take place at Mile End Methodist Church. Upcoming meetings: 30th November, 14th December, 28th January 2023 Agendas are posted on the council website the week prior. 7

Council Reports Myland Access Group I have just had my first experience of riding on one of these TIER scooters! It was great fun, but not too easy! It was only after I downloaded the TIER app that I encountered my first problem – I didn’t (and never have had) a driving license. Undaunted, I applied for a provisional license which arrived within a couple of weeks. So far so good. A few weeks later I was at the Community Stadium for my 3rd (or was it my 4th?) booster. When I came out of the stadium, I saw several scooters parked and remembered that I had downloaded the app. Here we go, I thought! So I pulled my phone out of my pocket and scanned the little square blob (QI code?), on the handlebars of the scooter. Then it told me that I needed to register my driving license, which I had to photograph front and back. This time, here we go! But there was another hoop to jump through...... I had to register my bank card and photograph it, and take a selfie. I was then, and only then, able to scan in the blob on the handlebars and start my adventure. Residential carpet cleaning • Commercial carpet cleaning • Event carpet cleaning We provide professional carpet and upholstery cleaning services to Essex and Suffolk: • Carpet cleaning • Stain removal & protection • Curtain cleaning • Upholstery cleaning • Leather cleaning & re-conditioning 01206 657559 [email protected] 10% off when you use the Quote & Book system @premierproclean 8

Council Reports After several attempts at all of this I really was off. I scooted down Boxted Rd towards the Fords Lane roundabout, into Nayland Rd past the Dog and Pheasant, the church and then into Mile End Road. The speed control took a bit of getting used to, and sometimes my speed would decrease on its own and then moments later speed up again. The traffic was fairly light, but I did encounter bin lorries and buses. The few cars who overtook me did so leaving ample room for me. No, I didn’t have the confidence to overtake when the buses and bin lorries stopped! On reaching the bottom of Mile End Road, where I live, I decided to park the scooter at what appears to be a well used parking lot for scooters – on the roundabout pavement between Mile End and Bergholt Roads. I then removed my phone from the sprung bracket and realised that it had run out of battery – probably as a result of all these photographs! I walked home, plugged my phone in a charger and only then realised that I had to “stop” my scooter ride. I also noticed that the TIER map showed that the scooter was at my home! I “stopped” the ride and then discovered that TIER had not been tracking the scooter, but was in fact tracking my phone. This journey which took about 17 minutes, including the walking bit, had cost me £3.55. My wife was not impressed. She said, “Why didn’t you just use your bus pass, and it wouldn’t have cost you anything?!” Fair point, and is standing on a scooter actually Active Travel? The Last Saturday Walks (LSW), continue on Sat 26th of Nov at 10 am at the War Memorial. Then it’s the return of the annual Boxing Day Walk on Mon 26th December, before the LSW of January on the 28th Jan. Happy active travels! Robert Johnstone Chair, Myland Access Group 9

Council Reports Neighbourhood Plan After reviewing residents’ positive and helpful comments and subsequently updating the neighbourhood plan, the process requires us to enter a period of ‘statutory consultation’ with prescribed organisations. This has now been completed and we are ready to submit our reviewed and updated plan to Colchester Borough Council (CBC) to facilitate its examination and endorsement by an independent Government planning inspector. The Plan strengthens existing policies on: • Housing design, addressing climate change; • New development sites respecting the scale and character of existing street scenes and environment; • Protection of High Woods Country Park biodiversity; • Protection of the remaining Myland and Braiswick Green Network; • Recording MCC’s declaration of a ‘Climate Emergency’; • Encouragement for provision of community-focused facilities; • Adherence to cycle infrastructure guidance. The existing policies on housing/education/employment/environment/social amenity/sport and leisure/transport and roads and the public realm remain and will continue to be applied. In 2010 MCC produced a document called the Myland Design Statement (MDS), which was presented to CBC as ‘planning guidance’. The recommendations from the MDS have been merged into some of the existing plan’s policies/rationale and the whole set of recommendations inserted into the plan as an appendix. The process also required us to review compatibility of the plan’s policies against prescribed policies in the Colchester Local Plan. This too has been completed. It remains to thank everybody who has contributed to this review and to assure residents that we will continue to assess performance against the policies. Cllrs Pete Hewitt & David Clouston 10

Council Reports Severalls Two things to report regarding Severalls (Kingswood Heath): Chapel Windows Further to my article on the Chapel stained-glass windows, I am happy to report that Colchester Museum has offered to give them a safe and secure home. This will mean that we have to ‘gift’ them to the Museum, but that arrangement can be reversed should we ever find a more local solution here in Myland. Prior to storage, the Museum will clean and photo the windows and provide us with a copy photo to display. We are also looking into the possibility of commissioning a piece of glass artwork by an artist at Cuckoo Farm to commemorate the windows, and this would also be for display. War Memorial Service The second item, is to thank all those people who attended the service to re-dedicate the refurbished and enhanced SeverallsWarMemorial. As youwill recall this was to commemorate those lost in both the 1st and 2nd World Wars and was performed on the 11th August, the 80th anniversary of the hospital being hit by bombs and causing the death of 39 patients in 1942. Many local residents, some who had worked at the hospital and a family related to a casualty attended on what was one of the hotter days of the summer. The service was performed by Reverend Ray Gibbs and many of us retired to St Michaels Church Halls for refreshments after. This was a quietly respectful occasion that many attendees found very moving. Your Council is pleased to have been instrumental in both of the actions referred to above in saving heritage items and remembering moments in history that should not be forgotten. Cllr Pete Hewitt 11

Council Reports Helping Myland Switch to Greener Motoring Councillor Alan Hayman asks for readers’ views about boosting the local network of charge points for electric cars. The biggest change in how we drive for over a century is currently under way across Britain. Petrol and diesel cars are steadily giving way to electric cars and vans – quieter, cleaner and greener than the ones we grew up with. After 2030, the sale of new petrol and diesel cars will be banned, setting the motor trade and public authorities a tight timetable for switching to electric vehicles. Myland Council welcomes this change, as part of our ongoing Greening the Parish initiative. But we are concerned that not all local residents will have easy access to charging points for an electric vehicle (EV), People with their own garage or private drive can install a suitable offstreet charge point. But local residents who currently park on the street may have problems with charging up an EV. Running a cable across the pavement is dangerous and potentially illegal. And not everyone in Myland lives near the public charge points that Asda have provided in their Petrolea Close car park. To help with this issue, your Council has put funds aside to provide EV charge points in other parts of Myland, The first three could be at the planned Community Centres in Severalls, Chesterwell and Mill Road. But where else would you like to see charge points provided? Your ideas for useful potential locations will be welcome, together with your thoughts on the type of charger you would like installed. You can send me your suggestions at alan.hayman@ Every comment will be looked at and will bring a response in a future edition of the Mylander. Our colleagues at Alresford Parish Council have shown the way, recently installing an EV charge point outside their office via a non-profit organisation called ChargeMyStreet. Once suitable sites in our area have been agreed, we hope to follow their pioneering example. Cllr Alan Hayman 12

Council Reports In Memory of Peter Mecklenburgh Peter Mecklenburgh (20th May 1946 – 11th June 2022) Some Thoughts about a Well-rounded and Happy Man Peter Mecklenburgh died on Saturday 11th June 2202, aged 76. For some years he played an important part in Mile End life. He was Myland Parish (now Community) Council’s first Chairman and was re-elected to that post for the following three years, making four years in total. As such, he shaped the Council’s early development and influenced Mile End life greatly for the better. He was a caring and loving family man, constantly concerned for his lovely wife Frances and their two beloved daughters, both of whom were to test him sorely at times. He was funny, clever and articulate, with occasionally unusual pronunciations of ordinary words. He was imaginative and creative and something of an artist. He had an original mind. He was a doting Grandad. Advice to grandchildren often included, “You don’t want to be with the oldies, they’re miserable”. Peter was mostly an astute self-employed businessman, making a good living through various activities connected with building, property and development. When it came to the Local Planning Committee, Peter and they had at times a difficult relationship. On one occasion he had no alternative but to take the Borough Council to the High Court. He was successful. The Borough’s shifting attitude to development of land he and Frances owned in Severall’s Lane resulted in the two of them living in a caravan on the site for fifteen years! Most marriages would probably not have survived this—theirs’s thrived! In the late 1990s there was a strong feeling in Mile End that plans were being made for huge housing developments and that Mile End’s Borough Councillors were not keeping residents in the picture. This was much discussed in the Dog and Pheasant and eventually, in 1998, a decision was made to try and form a Parish Council so that there would be a body to speak for local residents. No-one knew how to form one, but the Essex Association of Local Councils proved really helpful. 13

Council Reports Summer Su August 29th 12-4pm A g Myland Community Council Fetete 2022 A Steering Committee was formed, mostly led by Peter, and this group set about the legal requirements for forming a Parish Council. This came into being in 1999, after overcoming obstacles needlessly interposed by the Borough Council. From the outset, meetings were usually attended by a resident of a particularly rude and accusatory disposition. Peter was occasionally irritated by this poor behaviour, but somehow he always remained calm and pleasant. He and Frances retired to Groton in Suffolk where they lived together for fifteen years. He and Frances were soul-mates and this contributed to the well-lived life of a very happy man. Patrick Mills Myland Summer Fete On Monday 29th August many of you came along to our annual summer fete, which again was a huge success. We saw more residents come and support us than ever before so thank you. We are very grateful to Cllr Marina de Smith for her fabulous organisational skills, our Clerk and all those Councillors who helped on the day. We were blessed with great weather and entertainment was provided during the afternoon by the Myland Singers, The Colne Endeavour band and the Hospital Radio team. The Myland Community Council stall was manned by a number of councillors during the day and it was encouraging to talk to residents, help them with their questions and to see that we can make an positive impact on our community. We are delighted to say we have raised around £3000 and the businesses who supported us on the day did a roaring trade. 14

Council Reports Our very grateful thanks to the following local businesses that provided raffle prizes and to Alison and Ken Stokes who manned the stall all afternoon and raised an impressive £1,900 as part of the total made: • Wash 2o Colchester Pressure Washing • Mersea Homes • Mylander Fisheries • Little Learners South Colchester • Magnet Micro Pub North Station • Nanna’s Nursery • Triplet Flowers • Cutting Room • Hartbeeps • Brett Vale Golf Club • Greater Anglia • Lizzy Potter Therapy Special mention must go to National Animal Welfare Trust - Clayton who organised our first Dog show which was a very popular event, with all proceeds from the entry going to the National Animal Welfare Trust (Essex). We very much look forward to our next planned community event to mark the King’s Coronation so watch this space and if you are able to help us in any way on the day or have any feedback on the fete in August to help us plan for the future please let us know! Recycling Myland Community Council offers distribution of recycling stock for residents. We stock clear sacks, garden sacks, green boxes and food caddies. If you need anything, you will need to order through Colchester Borough Council website. You will be sent a confirmation email and we will need to see this email when you collect. The office is open for collection of stock on Wednesday and Friday 8.30 – 11am and on Saturday mornings 9 – 11am. All distributors of recycling stock can be found on the Borough Council website: CLICK HERE We have been asked to remind everyone that Colchester Library does not hold stock. 15

Council Reports Planning & Highways Committee My name is Gary Braddy and I have recently been elected as Chair of the Planning and Highways Committee for Myland Community Council. I see this as a great opportunity for me to further support and assist the residents of Myland. This role has given me the chance to do the Chair course, operated by the Essex Association of Local Councils in Great Dunmow. This has been rewarding so far and I look forward to completing the course soon. Planning and Highways effects our everyday lives. The community council committee do not decide the outcome of planning applications, but make observations and recommendations about planning requests in our area for deliberation at Colchester Borough Council. If there are local planning issues that you are interested in, the public are invited to speak at our monthly meetings, which are held on the first Wednesday of the month. See the community council website and notice boards for confirmation. Highways come under the control of Essex County Council. They make us aware of upcoming alterations, they effect our community and we can make observations known to them directly or through our County Councillor. The rapid transit route through Northern Approach Road is coming up and final plans are being made. We have a small budget for tidying a small number of footpaths left to spend this financial year. We are looking to get a budget arranged for extending this work in the next financial year. We look forward to having more local participation in the planning process. Gary Braddy, Chair of Planning and Highways Committee 16

Churches The Well Methodist Church A message from Rev Chris Preece It is a great joy to have this opportunity to say ‘hello.’ I’mRev Chris Preece and, at the beginning of September, I became the minister of The Well Methodist Church and the Superintendent Minister for Colchester Methodist Circuit. I have really enjoyed starting to meet people over this past month, to hear the stories of those involved at The Well and the hopes for the future. I am sure we have exciting times ahead! We know that we live in great times of change. Over the past month alone, we have seen how the country has come together in a period of national mourning for the Queen. In her reign, Queen Elizabeth was never afraid to quietly share her faith and this was so important in many ways. At the same time, she showed us through her cameo appearance with Paddington, her sense of humour and that fun could be had by all. Through her life the Queen shared her story with the world. It would be good to hear your story too and for us to have a sense of how the church can support the community in different ways. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We had a tribute to the Queen in our illuminated window and we are already enjoying working with Chris. We hope you too will soon get to know her; she can be contacted by telephone on 01206 545253. More information about our church is available on our website: CLICK HERE Keith and Di Thompson Tel: Col 844252 Email: [email protected] 18

Churches St Michael’s Church, Mile End We are delighted that St. Michael’s Church buildings, including Myland Parish Hall have now reopened. Myland Parish Halls is currently open for Weekday Services as follows: • Tuesday 9.15 for Morning Prayer • Wednesday 10.15am for Morning Prayer with coffee/tea after • Friday 9.15am for Holy Communion Sunday Services in Church start at 10.15am and follow a monthly cycle: • First Sunday: Holy Communion with prayer for Wholeness and Healing • Second Sunday: Family Service currently with Baptism • Third Sunday: Holy Communion and exploration of a current Big Issue • Fourth Sunday: Baptisms and Holy Communion • When there is a fifth Sunday in the month we will have a Family Service Special Services and Activities (Meet in the church unless otherwise stated) Remembrance Sunday with parade: Sunday 13th November, 10.15am: followed by an Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial at 11am. Christmas Coffee & Cake: 10am – 12noon Saturday 10th December. We will draw the winners of the Christmas Prize Draw at 11.30am [Myland Parish Halls] You can find our Christmas Services on the two-page spread in this booklet. Please keep an eye on our website and the Church noticeboards, or call the Church Office on 01206 855040 if you would like further information. Please check our website HERE for more information. You can also follow us on Facebook: St. Michael’s Church & Myland Parish Halls. Rev’d Ray Gibbs 01206 843926 [email protected] Rev’d Hazel Greenland 07707 894526 [email protected] Rev’d Sarah Hayward (Severalls) 07828 046193 [email protected] Sarah King, Church Office Admin. 01206 855040 [email protected] Lesley Hindle, Churchwarden 07708 954990 [email protected] 19

St. Michael’s Church of England, Mile End Road, CO4 5DY 01206 855040 Sunday 27th November 4:00pm Lighting of the Christmas Trees & First Carols of Christmas Sunday 11th December 10:15am Chocolate Christingle Service Sunday 18th December 6:00pm Carols by Candlelight at St. Michael’s CHRISTMAS EVE Saturday 24th December 4:00pm Children’s Nativity 7:00pm Lessons and Carols for all 11:30pm Midnight Christmas Communion CHRISTMAS DAY Sunday 25th December 10:15am “Christmas Crackers” and Family Communion United Church 07828 046193 Sunday 11th December 2:30pmonwards:OutdoorCarolSingingatKingswoodHeath&Severalls Thursday 22nd December 9:30am – 11:00am Christmas Messy Church at Myland Parish Halls 20

The Well Methodist Church, Nayland Road, CO4 5ET 01206 545253 Sunday 18th December 4.00pm Candlelit Carol Service followed by light refreshments CHRISTMAS DAY Sunday 25th December 10.30am United Family Service St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Mill Road, CO4 5LA 01206 866317 Every Sunday in December: 9:30am Mass CHRISTMAS DAY Sunday 25th December 9:00am Carols and Mass for Christmas Day 21

Art Group Alternate Fridays 7.00pm -9.00pm Myland Parish Hall (British Summer Time only) Michael Pinnock - 01206 842289 Morris Dancing Fridays 8.00pm The Well Methodist Church Hall Martin Theobald - 01206 853500 Mothers’ Union First Wednesday monthly Ivy Dix - 01206 851743 Myland Foodbank Tuesday & Friday 10.00am-12.00pm Myland Parish Hall Mile End Road, CO4 5DY [email protected] 01206 621998 Myland Parish Halls Sarah King - 07518 437488 Myland Singers Wednesdays 7.30pm (term time) Katrina Brooks - 07539 321348 Severalls Bowls Club League matches Tues afternoon/Weds eve Club Night Friday 6.00pm Mill Road Peter Weeden - 07785 114348 Women’s Institute First Friday monthly H/Woods Sandra Jones - 01206 853594 From inside the community 22

Girlguiding Myland Rainbows Myland Brownies Myland Guides Myland Pre-School (Myland Parish Halls) Monday 9.00am-3.30pm Tuesday 9.00am-3.30pm Wednesday 9.00am-12.00pm Friday 9.00am-3.30pm (Term-time only) Diane Woodrow - 07592 548335 or 07544 830780 [email protected] Rainbow Pre-School Monday 9.30am-3.00pm Wednesday 9.00am-3.00pm Thursday 9.00am-3.00pm Friday 9.00am-3.00pm The Well Methodist Church Hall Gina Oxford - 07779 349128 Scouts 1st Myland St Michaels’ Scout Group Beaver Scouts Thursday Cub Scouts Thursday Scouts Thursday Stmix Kids Saturday 10.00am (Various term-time) Myland Parish Hall Karen Appleby - 07468 480110 Learning and growing 23

From inside the community Mill Road Surgery Now the weather is cooling down, it means we are back into flu vaccination season and we have the added bonus of Covid boosters at the same time. If you get your invite message then please follow instructions on how to book, as we will be running regular Saturday flu/booster clinics (and a few days in between) for all those that are eligible. If you are unable to make your appointment then please let us know to cancel it so someone else can use the space, as I’m sure you will understand we have a lot of patients to vaccinate! Over the last couple of months we’ve also recruited another Paramedic Practitioner - Darren Usher, meaning we now have three Paramedics with myself, Hannah and Darren. Some of you will have met him already for consultations and he brings over 13 years of experience working on frontline ambulances into our surgery. Some patients have mentioned they feel uncomfortable booking in with Paramedics sometimes, as they don’t feel their condition is urgent/an emergency—just as reassurance, please don’t worry about that! We work in a similar manner to our Nurse Practitioners, so deal with all sorts of illness and injuries, now we have moved into primary care. Hannah will shortly be joining me as a prescriber and Darren will start his course soon, so again we are all in a position to assist most patients. See you at the boosters! Ashley Moore Paramedic Practitioner/Nurse Manager Bespoke & Traditional Cakes & Desserts - also Hot & Cold drinks, gifts & cards 61 Straight Road, Boxted, Colchester, CO4 5QY Tel: 01206 272100 Shop Open Weds - Sat 9am-5pm Large cakes & desserts made to order, 48hrs notice required We look forward to your custom 24

From inside the community Nature Notes As I write, it’s the very end of September and there is the feel of autumn in the air. There are still sunny days and on this one there was mostly a blue sky, although a little paler blue than summer days, and to the east was a thin overlay of high white cloud, as if lightly applied with a wide brush. Quietly walking and looking you notice things. Looking back our footprints left a dark trail in the dew-damp grass and along our path were trees of all shapes and shades. The pine tree, with spreadeagled branches, carried cones standing upright all along those branches like candles waiting to be lit on a Christmas tree. Berries on a holly were stood out brightly in the sunshine. The surrounding waxy firm leaves also had a sheen in the bright light. Back home and a coffee at the garden table. Another tree, a neighbour’s huge pear tree, has become a favourite food larder for magpies, jackdaws and other birds. Gorging on the fruit, at times, they dislodge their target that falls with a light thud to the ground or on to a shed roof. While watching this happen my eyes were then drawn to the sky and three buzzards with spread wings followed each other silently climbing in a spiral of dance. As they turned the sunlight caught their underwings to provide a clear view of the lighter and darker shades of the wing patterns and they were close, no binoculars were needed. Although the sky remained mostly the paler blue, the high-white cloud to the east had reformed into what looked like shallow white wavelets pushing on to a beach hidden in the sky to the west. The sky transformed again later, as shown here. But even now the day was not over. A cacophony of small bird alarm calls, shrill and loudening from the depths of the intertwined rambling rose and honeysuckle caught our attention. There on the trellis panel, no more than 5 yards from the french-doors, sat a female sparrow-hawk calmly pruning her feathers — that was until I reached for my camera! All in a day of being mindful. Pete Hewitt 25

Mayne Veterinary clinic is a small independent veterinary practice on Bergholt Road near North Station in Colchester. We’ve been making pets feel better since 1975, that’s just one reason why we’re such a popular family vet – we’ve looked after generation after generation of pets for local people. That special continuity of care and our famously warm personal service mean we get to know you and your pet well. We make every effort to make sure you see the same team member each time you visit, something that makes you feel even more comfortable and cared for. T : 0 1 2 0 6 8 5 1 3 3 8 E : r e c e p t i o n@ma y n e v e t s . c o . u k A SMALL VETERINARY PRACTICE WITH A BIG HEART Reliable, high quality improvement, maintenance and repair in and around your home or property • Kitchen design and installation • Interior and exterior decorating • General ‘handyman’ services • No obligation quotes on request • Fully insured • References available Contact Steve Newton on 07963 753414 Email: [email protected] Take something o your ‘to do list’ by adding it to ours

From inside the community Women’s Institute After the long summer days, we now return to our Autumn/ Winter sessions of W.I. Looking back, we can recall some great evenings with varied speakers. In August, John Barter gave a very inspiring talk about Shelley Pottery. He and his wife are both avid collectors and it was a delight to see first hand some samples of their huge collection of the beautiful pottery. In September, a few members from other W.I’s joined us for a very entertaining evening with Brenda Eyers, who produced many different hats for us to view and as she did so, introduced us to many historical facts connected with each one! In October, several of our men folk joined us for a really riveting talk given by Katie Cole on the subject of three women, Nancy, Noor and Christine who were part of the SOE. At this meeting we commenced by having a Minute’s Silence in memory of Her Majesty, The Queen who had died since we had last met. Her Majesty was a fellow W.I. member and our secretary had added a message of sympathy to the National W.I. Book of Condolence on our behalf. Our Secretary, Isobel had held two Coffee Mornings - one to raise funds for Breast Cancer and another to mark W. I. Day. As we approach our next season of W. I., there are a couple of speakers to look forward to. In November, Kevin Marsden will tell us about Birds in our Gardens and in January, Amanda Westbrook will speak to us about the history of the Balkerne Garden’s Trust. In December, a Christmas meal at the Cricketers is planned - this will be a daytime meal, instead of our usual evening meeting. You will realise that we do have a varied programme of speakers and events. If you are a ‘reader’, then there is a Book Group to join. Make the most of a ‘WARM’ place and come along to Highwoods Community Centre on the first Friday of each month at 7.15pm. If the chill of winter has set in, then you can be assured that your welcome will be a warm one! Make this your New Year’s Resolution – you won’t regret it! Sandra Jones 27

From inside the community Fostering Wendie and Adam blog “You could help children and young people write the next chapter of their book.” Adam and I have three children – two sons and one daughter and 10 grandchildren. We’re foster carers for Essex County Council. I have always wanted to foster; I grew up with a neighbour who fostered, and I admired her. I wanted more children as well, so we started fostering when our children were still young, our youngest was just two years old. Fostering with our birth children was hugely rewarding. Our oldest son could be challenging at times, but when we started fostering his behaviour improved. For our daughter, she got to have sisters. It made us all more understanding and tolerant of people. “Every child deserves a home, deserves happiness, and the same opportunities as anybody else.” Foster with our support. Fostering is incredibly rewarding, offers great flexibility and puts family at its heart. Training is local, support is 24/7 and your family could receive £483 per child, per week. “I wish I’d started years ago. If you love family life and helping others, this is the most brilliant job you could choose.” Join us, recruiting now. 0800 801 530 28

From inside the community We foster children from a few days to several years, we have fostered many children and are still in touch with some of them. One child we fostered is now in her 40s and still calls to have a catch up or ask for advice. We love seeing how they are getting on, how they go on to live their lives makes us proud. One young person we fostered, we took on holiday to Cornwall and they started to cry when we arrived; we thought they were upset, but they just looked at us and said this was the best holiday they had ever been on, and we’d only just arrived. Another young person, who we fostered for seven months, was shaking and crying almost non-stop when she first arrived on our doorstep, but after two days she was having cuddles with me. We received a letter and video from one young person saying thank you for everything we did. We didn’t realise we’d had such an impact on this young person. They were with us for seven months and we clicked immediately, but receiving the letter and video was so emotional for us both. You can have such a positive impact on a child if you give them a chance at life. Fostering can be challenging, and you will hear stories about the challenges, but you are giving a child safety and stability for perhaps the first time in their life. Adam, Wendie and some of their grandchildren Adam and Wendie 29

Our aim is to give our foster children a safe place away fromany trauma they have experienced. We have helped move our young people into independent living or back with their birth families. All our foster children need is for someone to be there for them and advocate for them. We’ve helped rebuild relationships with birth families and nurture our foster children to become independent, and that is the greatest reward. If you do encounter challenges, the team at Essex County Council are there for you. We have completed a lot of training courses on subjects like being trauma informed, parent and child fostering, and first aid. All the training is of a high quality and support is local. Fostering has taught me so much about myself as well. You need to have a good sense of humour and patience, be non-judgemental, be understanding and be willing to learn. If you’re thinking about fostering just give it a chance. Every child deserves a chance, and you won’t know until you give it a try. There are so many ways in which you can foster, Essex County Council will help to find an option that best suits you and your family. You could help children and young people write the next chapter of their book. Contact detail: 0800 801 530 VISIT THE WEBSITE HERE From inside the community Highly experienced plumbing and heating engineer for all your domestic plumbing needs in Colchester and its surrounding areas. Call or text Tom on: 07801595692 Or e-mail: [email protected] “Tom was reliable, professional and made sure our new bathroom was just what we wanted!” R. Andrews, satisfied customer 30

From inside the community Essex Therapy Dogs Essex Therapy Dogs sprang into life just a year ago on the 21st November 2021. The brainchild of Founder and Chair, Tina Jullings, the not-for-profit organisation currently has over 100 members (and 115 dogs), with the numbers continuing to grow. Essex Therapy Dogs was launched by a handful of passionate members who believe that therapy dogs can bring significant benefits to a range of emotionally challenging situations. The simplicity is that the dogs bring comfort, help, and support to people who need it. What are the benefits of dog therapy for mental & physical wellbeing? There is considerable research that shows dogs can help people feel calmer; provide comfort and soothe emotions; reduce boredom; lower anxiety levels; decrease agitation in people experiencing dementia; reduce loneliness; bridge communication gaps (everyone loves talking to their pets); as well as decreasing the feelings of depression. The research also outlines many benefits for physical health. Petting a dog can help people to physically relax; it stabilises blood pressure; it can also reduce the risk of heart disease, heart attacks and strokes. Stroking a dog can also help improve cardiovascular health, slowing the breathing of people who may be anxious, diminishing physical pain, which may also reduce the need for pain killers. Dogs can also help people release many mood boosting hormones and decrease the harmful stress hormone, cortisol. 31

From inside the community Where do the dogs do their good work? The dogs visit establishments all over Essex, which includes care homes, day centres, dementia day centres, schools, Southend Airport, brain injury units, secure mental health units, hospitals, hospices, etc. They also provide 1:1 support for people who wish to meet up for a dog walk as well as (under certain circumstances) visiting people in their home. The dogs have helped students with their transition to starting university, as well as those experiencing pre and post exam nerves. Schools use the dogs to provide emotional support for some of their pupils and they are also used to help children become more confident when reading. It’s much easier reading to a dog than an adult – a dog is non-judgemental! The dogs also visit the charity, Essex Dementia Care, where they spend time at the activity day centres. Some of the clients can be at the later stages of dementia and be more withdrawn. People light up when they see the dogs and will quite happily chat to them, often reminiscing about family times when they had a dog themselves. The dogs also go into Southend Airport to help anxious passengers. The idea is to help reduce anxiety and stress levels for flyers before boarding a flight. The time spent with the dog in the airport lounge helps to keep these passengers distracted by stroking and cuddling the dog. The dogs are often invited to join passengers on their flight! - but sadly, this isn’t possible. PIANO TUITION & MUSIC THEORY ALL AGES AND STANDARDS STUDENTS ENTERED FOR RSM IF REQUIRED TREVOR CORDWELL 01206 844087 32

From inside the community Who are the Essex Therapy Dogs Team? The Essex Therapy Dogs team are a passionate group of people who voluntarily give their time to make everything work. Founder, Tina Jullings, leads the team, with Lorraine Joy as the membership secretary. Claire Taylor the treasurer; Cathy Adams the social media expert, Pauline Coverley the events coordinator and Mandy Johnson as the team secretary. The group also have area co-ordinations in Colchester, Braintree, Southend, and Chelmsford who meet up with prospective new members to assess their dogs. There are also monthly dog walks in these areas as well. Thinking of joining - what makes a good therapy dog? Dogs are assessed on their temperament and ability to walk nicely on the lead, not jump up and take treats gently. The dog should be at least a year old and be of a calm and friendly nature. They should also be fully vaccinated. Essex Therapy Dogs have dogs of all breeds, there are big and small ones and some are rescues. There are pure, mixed, and designer breeds. They just need to be calm and be able to cope with lots of fuss. What does becoming a member of the Essex Therapy Dogs team involve, and how much does it cost? Members should ideally be available to visit an establishment for an hour each week (this can be flexible). There is a membership fee of £20 a year for one dog / one owner, or £25 for more than one dog / owner. For this, members receive a membership pack which includes £5m public liability insurance, an ID badge, sew-on badge, and a kerchief for your dog. There is also an online shop where members can purchase polo shirts, bags, and jackets at reasonable prices. Where can I find out more? If you are interested in finding out more, either to join or request a dog visit, please complete the form on the Essex Therapy Dogs website by CLICKING HERE Essex Therapy Dogs can also be found on Facebook and Instagram. If you have a dog who you think is suitable and have a little free time, why not get in touch. 33

From inside the community St Helena Hospice Light up a Life this Christmas with St Helena Hospice This Christmas you can make a real difference and help St Helena Hospice light up the lives of patients and families within the local community throughout the festive period and beyond. St Helena Hospice is a ray of light for many individuals across north east Essex facing incurable illness and bereavement. For people nearing the end of life, Christmas is a time to make treasured memories with their loved ones and many wish to spend what may be their last Christmas in the comfort of their own homes. Your support of the Hospice this festive season will allow patients to stay in their preferred place of care whether that is at home or in the Hospice, while also helping to fund St Helena’s bereavement service and SinglePoint 24/7 advice line which continue to run throughout Christmas to provide total support and individual care to those who need it in the darkest of times. Call: 07734 603 202 [email protected] • Additional sockets & lighting • Fault finding & repairs • Outdoor/garden power & lighting • Electric vehicle charging • Electrical installation Condition Reports NICEIC APPROVED CONTRACTOR FRIENDLY & RELIABLE ELECTRICIAN SERVICES Visit or email [email protected]! COLCHESTER PRESSURE WASHING COMMERCIAL & DOMESTIC Specialists in all exterior low-level, eco-friendly power washing in Colchester and surrounding areas. For a FREE, no-obligation quote, give us a call on 01206 912468! A QUALITY SERVICE AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE BLOCK PAVING & BRICKWORK DECKING & GARDEN FURNITURE SLABS, TILES & CONCRETE TARMAC DRIVEWAYS 34

From inside the community There are a variety of ways you can help light up a life this festive season, such as taking part in the Christmas Tree-cycle – simply register your tree online and our dedicated hospice volunteers will collect your real Christmas tree outside your front door on Saturday 7th January 2023 and take it to be recycled on your behalf. You can also pop down to the Christmas Bazaar on Friday 25th November at our Stanway Brew, Books and Boutique store to pick up some wonderful festive bargains; or join in the festive spirit and hold a festive fundraiser at work, at home, at school or with a group – check out our fundraising elf-a-bet for inspiration! We also invite you to join us in remembering and celebrating loved ones no longer with us by dedicating a lantern in their name to be displayed in either the Hospice garden in Colchester or at Beth Chatto Gardens. You can view your lantern on display at one of our remembrance services at either Beth Chatto on 11th December or at the Hospice on 15th December and reflect together at this poignant time of year on special memories shared with those no longer with us. Why not also visit our online shop where you can buy a range of items including our brand new Timeless Winter candle which with a deliciously warm and festive scent of orange, cinnamon and clove is a perfect addition for your home, or makes a perfect gift; as well as stocking up on Christmas cards and more! Wherever St Helena patients spend Christmas, your support enables our staff to provide light and hope not just during the festive season, but around the clock, 365 days a year. Find out more about how you can light up a life: CLICK HERE 35

Myland Preschool CIC We have had a good start to the new term and were very excited about starting back and welcoming all the children old and new, who have all settled in well. We said farewell to 20 children at our pre-school graduation in July and we wish them well as they take the next step in their journey at primary school. On Friday 23rd September we had Nicky from Rob Sambrook photography in preschool and parent’s now have the hard decision of which of the lovely photos they order! We have had themes of all about me, my body and my senses, fruit, space, food and harvest and Diwali and autumn throughout this half term and we will have themes of Halloween and fireworks, the armed forces, nursery rhymes, trees, Hanukkah, Christingle and Christmas throughout next half term. The children created a harvest display in the Church for their Harvest Festival on the 9th October. We created some handprints that we made into a sheaf of corn and then put all of our harvest donations for the foodbank in front of it. We require an enthusiastic, caring, fun loving, energetic and flexible level 3 qualified preschool assistant, as Becca will not be returning following her maternity leave. It will be 12 hours a week, term time only. More hours may be available. January 2023 start. Please send your C.V. to the preschool on [email protected] or contact us for more information. Learning & Growing 36