Mylander - November to January 2023 - Issue 93

Council Reports Neighbourhood Plan After reviewing residents’ positive and helpful comments and subsequently updating the neighbourhood plan, the process requires us to enter a period of ‘statutory consultation’ with prescribed organisations. This has now been completed and we are ready to submit our reviewed and updated plan to Colchester Borough Council (CBC) to facilitate its examination and endorsement by an independent Government planning inspector. The Plan strengthens existing policies on: • Housing design, addressing climate change; • New development sites respecting the scale and character of existing street scenes and environment; • Protection of High Woods Country Park biodiversity; • Protection of the remaining Myland and Braiswick Green Network; • Recording MCC’s declaration of a ‘Climate Emergency’; • Encouragement for provision of community-focused facilities; • Adherence to cycle infrastructure guidance. The existing policies on housing/education/employment/environment/social amenity/sport and leisure/transport and roads and the public realm remain and will continue to be applied. In 2010 MCC produced a document called the Myland Design Statement (MDS), which was presented to CBC as ‘planning guidance’. The recommendations from the MDS have been merged into some of the existing plan’s policies/rationale and the whole set of recommendations inserted into the plan as an appendix. The process also required us to review compatibility of the plan’s policies against prescribed policies in the Colchester Local Plan. This too has been completed. It remains to thank everybody who has contributed to this review and to assure residents that we will continue to assess performance against the policies. Cllrs Pete Hewitt & David Clouston 10