Mylander - November to January 2023 - Issue 93

Council Reports Helping Myland Switch to Greener Motoring Councillor Alan Hayman asks for readers’ views about boosting the local network of charge points for electric cars. The biggest change in how we drive for over a century is currently under way across Britain. Petrol and diesel cars are steadily giving way to electric cars and vans – quieter, cleaner and greener than the ones we grew up with. After 2030, the sale of new petrol and diesel cars will be banned, setting the motor trade and public authorities a tight timetable for switching to electric vehicles. Myland Council welcomes this change, as part of our ongoing Greening the Parish initiative. But we are concerned that not all local residents will have easy access to charging points for an electric vehicle (EV), People with their own garage or private drive can install a suitable offstreet charge point. But local residents who currently park on the street may have problems with charging up an EV. Running a cable across the pavement is dangerous and potentially illegal. And not everyone in Myland lives near the public charge points that Asda have provided in their Petrolea Close car park. To help with this issue, your Council has put funds aside to provide EV charge points in other parts of Myland, The first three could be at the planned Community Centres in Severalls, Chesterwell and Mill Road. But where else would you like to see charge points provided? Your ideas for useful potential locations will be welcome, together with your thoughts on the type of charger you would like installed. You can send me your suggestions at alan.hayman@ Every comment will be looked at and will bring a response in a future edition of the Mylander. Our colleagues at Alresford Parish Council have shown the way, recently installing an EV charge point outside their office via a non-profit organisation called ChargeMyStreet. Once suitable sites in our area have been agreed, we hope to follow their pioneering example. Cllr Alan Hayman 12