Mylander - November to January 2023 - Issue 93

Council Reports Planning & Highways Committee My name is Gary Braddy and I have recently been elected as Chair of the Planning and Highways Committee for Myland Community Council. I see this as a great opportunity for me to further support and assist the residents of Myland. This role has given me the chance to do the Chair course, operated by the Essex Association of Local Councils in Great Dunmow. This has been rewarding so far and I look forward to completing the course soon. Planning and Highways effects our everyday lives. The community council committee do not decide the outcome of planning applications, but make observations and recommendations about planning requests in our area for deliberation at Colchester Borough Council. If there are local planning issues that you are interested in, the public are invited to speak at our monthly meetings, which are held on the first Wednesday of the month. See the community council website and notice boards for confirmation. Highways come under the control of Essex County Council. They make us aware of upcoming alterations, they effect our community and we can make observations known to them directly or through our County Councillor. The rapid transit route through Northern Approach Road is coming up and final plans are being made. We have a small budget for tidying a small number of footpaths left to spend this financial year. We are looking to get a budget arranged for extending this work in the next financial year. We look forward to having more local participation in the planning process. Gary Braddy, Chair of Planning and Highways Committee 16