From inside the community We foster children from a few days to several years, we have fostered many children and are still in touch with some of them. One child we fostered is now in her 40s and still calls to have a catch up or ask for advice. We love seeing how they are getting on, how they go on to live their lives makes us proud. One young person we fostered, we took on holiday to Cornwall and they started to cry when we arrived; we thought they were upset, but they just looked at us and said this was the best holiday they had ever been on, and we’d only just arrived. Another young person, who we fostered for seven months, was shaking and crying almost non-stop when she first arrived on our doorstep, but after two days she was having cuddles with me. We received a letter and video from one young person saying thank you for everything we did. We didn’t realise we’d had such an impact on this young person. They were with us for seven months and we clicked immediately, but receiving the letter and video was so emotional for us both. You can have such a positive impact on a child if you give them a chance at life. Fostering can be challenging, and you will hear stories about the challenges, but you are giving a child safety and stability for perhaps the first time in their life. Adam, Wendie and some of their grandchildren Adam and Wendie 29