Chair’s Report When I sat down to write my last Chair’s report I could never have anticipated that by the time I would be writing my next message we would have a new Prime Minister and a new Monarch. I am sure you all join Myland Community Council in offering sincere condolences to the Royal Family on the recent death of Queen Elizabeth II. As we move forward into a new era with King Charles III we can reflect and be grateful for 70 years of steady leadership and service. In Myland we have seen two great events since our last issue; the re-dedication of the Severalls memorial and our summer Fete. Both are mentioned in detail elsewhere in this issue, but a huge thank you to those Councillors involved in arranging them and to you all for supporting us by attending. The events were very different, one moving and one celebratory, but it was good to see the community come together again after our Jubilee Picnic in such a positive way. Many of you visited the MCC stall at the fete and we were delighted to be able to help by resolving issues brought to us. It is what we are here for and please contact the Clerk if there is anything else you think we could help with. We have tried hard over the years to make sure care is taken to preserve the heritage of the memorial location and the development around it, and our grateful thanks must go to our former Chair John Stewart who was instrumental in this process. I recently attended the Local Government AuthorityPeer Challengeat theTownHall. Colchester Borough Council have invited stakeholders, Officers and Councillors to a 4-day process of peer review providing a performance assessment and the meeting I attended focused on how CBC interact with us and how effectively they deal with issues raised and suggestions for improvements from the Parish perspective. We hope to progress our communications with CBC so that we can work effectively in providing what we think is needed in our Parish. 5