The Mylander - Issue 94 - Feb to Apr 2023

Feb toApr 2023 Issue 94 Funded by Myland Community Council FREE TheMylander K E E P I N G T H E C O M M U N I T Y I N F O R M E D How Myland celebrated Christmas Local groups welcome MCC funding NEW Food Pantry and ‘Warm Space’ at The Well Methodist Church

Myland Community Council The Chair Alison Jay 07761 729054 Vice Chair Pete Hewitt 853942 Office: 01206 853400 Email [email protected] Clerk: Katherine Kane [email protected] Editor: Katie Maddocks [email protected] Anglian Water Emergency Services 0800 771 881 Age UK – Free call 0800 055 6112 NHS Blood and Transplant Donor Information 0300 123 23 23 Camulos Academy 588588 Childline – Free call 0800 1111 Colchester Borough Council – Enquiries 282222 Colchester Police Station 101 Colchester Community Policing Team [email protected] Crimestoppers – Free call 0800 555 111 Gas Emergency Services – Free call 0800 111 999 High Woods Country Park, Turner Road 853588 Mile End Methodist Church, Rev. Ken Chalmers 545253 Church Hall Hire, Keith Thompson 844252 Mill Road Surgery, Mill Road 845900 Myland Parish Halls Hire (Sarah King) 07518 437488 Myland School, Mill Road 852109 NHS Advice Line 111 NSPCC – Free call 0800 800 5000 Priest-in-Charge, Parish of Myland, Revd Ray Gibbs 843926 Queen Boudica School 844654 St Joseph Church, Mgr. Chris Brooks 866317 Samaritans, Walsingham Road 116123 Phone numbers are 01206 unless otherwise stated Pauline Bacon 07929 903484 Gary Braddy c/o 853400 Catherine Clouston 07785 987 734 David Clouston 07748 064 562 Marina de Smith 07791 463 080 Jocelyn Law c/o 853400 Winston Browne c/o 853400 John Dickson c/o 853400 Martin Goss 07912 396335 Phil Coleman 07808 530587 Alan Hayman c/o 853400 Alison Jay 07761 729054 Robert Johnstone 853204 Clare Williams c/o 853400 Mark Fried c/o 853400 2

3 Keep up to date with local news, updates and events on Facebook: facebook @Myland Community Council MYLAND COMMUNITY COUNCIL Office: 101 Nayland Road, Colchester, CO4 5EN Office Hours: 8.30 - 11.00am (Monday to Friday) Tel: 01206 853400 Website: The Mylander Keeping The Community Informed The Mylander is funded by Myland Community Council as a community service. It is issued quarterly and distributed to every household in the parish. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Myland Community Council. Articles and information are reproduced in good faith. Contents 4. Chair’s report 7. Council reports 12. Churches 15. From inside the community 29. Learning and growing

Chair’s Report I would like to wish all our residents a hopefully happy 2023, whilst being very aware of the current pressures on us all. Colchester City Council can provide support through specialist teams accessible online HERE This can be through immediate financial assistance or long term financial and debt support. It’s sad that it is at all necessary but good that the support is there if needed. Since our last issue, Colchester was officially granted City status on 23 November 2022, as one of the final towns recognised by Queen Elizabeth in her Diamond Jubilee year and hopefully this will have benefits for us all in terms of inwards investment and visitors capitalising on the heritage and culture we have to offer. There is much work to do but Myland Community Council (MCC) will play their part. MCC continues to work hard locally. Our office remains very busy providing recycling supplies and we now open on a Saturday morning for those unable to access this service during the week. We have agreed a distribution of the profits from our Summer Fete in August. 4

Chair’s Report MakeLunch and the Food Pantry have been given £500 towards their costs supporting residents in Myland. And Camulos Academy, Myland, Braiswick and Queen Boudica Primary schools have each been given £500 towards extra curricular expenditure on things that would otherwise not have been available to them. Braiswick Primary school have already used this to purchase 50 weatherproofing all-in-one suits, so the children can enjoy the benefits of outdoor play throughout the year and Queen Boudica, to fund educational outings for the children. 5

Chair’s Report Our biggest job since the summer report has been to review MCC finances and set a budget for 2023/24 from April. This is “what we have available to spend” based on our plans and doesn’t mean that we will spend everything we have allocated, but that the reserves are there if needed. This time round we have included plans for additional hotspot litter-picking and maintenance resources, small highways work, accessibility improvements around Myland and youth provision, such as the recent funding of a YMCA youth club, which is building up numbers and providing a much needed local service. We are also looking at MCC funded events at the facilities at Northern Gateway for the spring when it is warmer and something outdoors will work. We have also included £30,000 potential spend on Community Centres in Myland. This is only part of our community centre reserve fund, which has been built up from under-spending over previous years and has been put in the budget, as it was felt that the potential for requests for funding from the proposed St Marks Community Centre at the old Colchester Rugby club ground made it sensible to do so. There are other planned centres in our Parish and it is very unlikely all will be up and running during the 2023/24 year, so a significant level is still held in reserves for future years. The Full Council in November recommended a precept demand of £120,000 to meet the budget, once reserves have been accounted for, and this is the same as the demand for 21/22. This is the amount we ask from residents through MCC’s proportion of their Council tax and should mean a similar annual amount for everyone to last year. This was based on an understanding of the exceptional cost of living pressures at the current time and our desire not to ask for any extra money, but instead making efficient use of existing reserves. As always, we are interested in your views on what you would like to see us do in the Parish, so please email me or the Clerk, or contact the office direct and we can make sure we are continuing to do what is wanted and needed. Cllr Alison Jay Chair of Myland Council 07761 729054 [email protected] 6

Council Reports Your guide to Myland Community Council Meetings Myland Community Council (MCC) currently has three standing committees; Planning & Highways; Resources, Policy & Strategy; Events Committee. Please see below for their upcoming meetings. 1. Planning & Highways MCC has the statutory right to be consulted on all planning applications, within the boundary of the parish. The Committee will look at each application and agree the response to be submitted to Colchester Borough Council, who will make the final decision. The applications range from small household extensions, right up to larger developments. Currently the Committee is also tracking progress on the Severalls and Chesterwell developments. Upcoming meetings: 1st March, 5th April 2. Resources, Policy & Strategy This Committee is responsible for keeping an eye on Council finances; making sure the Council is within budget and making plans for future years. The Committee each year will make recommendation to the full Council regarding the amount of the precept, which pays for MCC services. Upcoming meetings: 15th March, 19th April 3. Events Committee The Events Committee will oversee organisation of the Summer Fete and the Bulb and Seed Giveaways, and provide the continuing monthly Community Meetings at the Well Methodist Church Hall. The Committee will also look to provide new events for the benefit of residents of the parish. 4. Full Council Meetings Full council meetings take place at Mile End Methodist Church. Upcoming meetings: 22nd February, 30th March, 26th April Agendas are posted on the council website the week prior. 7

Council Reports Myland Access Group Over the Christmas break I had a bit of light reading to get through. It was a Public Notice from Essex County Council, which I saw attached to a lamppost at the North Station roundabout, and goes by the snappy title of, (take a deep breath!): “The Essex County Council (Colchester City) (Prohibition of Waiting, Loading and Stopping) and (On-Street Parking Places) (Civil Enforcement Area) (Amendment No. 40) Order 2023. The Essex County Council (Station Way, Colchester) (Bus Lane) Order 2023 and Proposed Construction of Cycle Track on Station Way, Colchester, (Footway & Carriageway)” I went home and downloaded all ten pages of this public notice and packed it away to take with me on our brief Christmas and New Year trip. The first five pages were mostly the usual techno babble regarding where and when you could park and where the bus lane was going, (same place as it currently is apparently). It was the subsequent five pages that proved interesting. They were entitled “Statement of Reasons Active Travel Essex – Colchester” and explained that the Government had announced the second Active Travel Fund (ATF2) in July of 2020 and subsequently ECC had submitted a bid and was awarded £7.4m in November 2020. This fund, together with an element of match funding by ECC, will fund schemes to improve cycling and walking in Basildon, Braintree, Brentwood, Chelmsford and Colchester, It goes on to say that the cycle facility forms part of the on-road route connecting North Station to the city centre. I then looked further at the maps which were attached and if I looked closely, I saw that what is being proposed is a “Footway conversion to: ‘Unsegregated Shared Footway/Cycleway’. Shared width: 2m min to 9m max.” for 92 metres. Also a “Carriageway conversion to: ‘Twoway mandatory cycle lanes’ for 103 metres. Now if we can cast our minds back to July 2020 when the ATF2 was announced, we will remember that another announcement by Government was made at that time – Gear Change – A bold vision for cycling and walking. They said in this document “Cycles must be treated as vehicles, not as pedestrians. New cycle provision, which involves sharing space with pedestrians, including at crossings, will no longer be funded.” It also says “Contraflow cycling, where cyclists are allowed to ride against the direction of travel on lightly-trafficked one-way streets has worked well”. It goes on to say “We will not fund any scheme that does not meet the new standards and principles.” 8

Council Reports Two years on from receiving £7.4m from government and ECC now thinks that what cyclists need is even more shared footway/cycleways and contraflows on dual carriageways? Time for another re-think, me thinks! Robert Johnstone Chair, Myland Access Group Defibrillators Myland Community Council (MCC) have purchased 4 AEDs in the last few years and they are currently located at these locations., look out for them as you travel around the local area: • Esso garage (Millers) 124 Bergholt Road Mile End CO4 5AJ • Queen Boudica Primary school, Cowper Crescent, CO4 5XT • Camulos Academy, Whitmore Drive, CO4 6AL • East of England Co-op, Unit 2 Chesterwell Plaza, Leda Way, CO4 6EE We have also placed an order for another AED to be located on the Dance HQ, 305 Mile End Road, Colchester. This will cover the area around St Michael’s Church and the Parish Hall, which are a centre of activity for community events. We have already gained permission to site an AED at The Well Methodist church, if required in the future, but we are currently looking for a more even spread across the whole Myland area and there is one situated at the nearby Co-op on Nayland Road. We have also spoken to Myland Primary School, but as this is also close to the same Co-op Local we have held that for a future location; a location on the Raven Way railings would be the preferred site when and if this is pursued. This would then cover Defoe Crescent, Raven Way, Mill Road playing field area etc. These AEDs remain the assets of Myland Community Council and we have retained financial responsibility for purchasing new pads and batteries as required. This is a saving to the Colchester First Responders and/or the NHS and it ensures that the assets remain in the Myland area. 9

Council Reports We have allocated funds in the MCC budget to purchase 2 or 3 more in the next 15 months of 2023-24, if we can find the right locations for them. We are looking to cover areas not currently covered by our own and other existing AEDs. Ford Lane Recreation ground has one and there was one at the Old Rugby club building on Mill Road. It takes a while to get permission from owners, arrange quotes for electricians to install them, purchase them and await delivery etc. Myland Community Council (MCC) will be looking to put an AED on the St Luke’s Community Centre on the old Rugby Club site along Mill Road when it gets re-built. This will also cover the new Village Green that MCC have been negotiating with Colchester Council to manage for the benefit of the local community. Currently this is being used by the builders, but it will be returned to community use when they have completed. Cllr Pauline Bacon Colchester First Responders Team In the days before COVID in 2019 we were pleased to have the Colchester First Responders come to a meeting at The Well Methodist Church to show some of us how to perform Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and how to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), like the ones we have situated around the local area. On Wednesday 11th January they visited us again for a refresher for those who have been trained before. They spoke to us about the great work they do as Colchester First Responders, volunteers who attend emergencies in the Colchester and surrounding area in advance of an ambulance or paramedic arriving. Often they may pick up an AED on their way to the incident, or the Ambulance Responders may have already sent someone to access one from a nearby location. Having these located in our area greatly improves that chances of someone surviving a cardiac arrest. We are planning for the Colchester First Responder’s team to visit Myland again in the spring/ early summer for at least two more training sessions. One of these will be on one of our regular 2nd Wednesday in the month Community meetings, at 7.30pm at the Well Methodist church Hall (84 Nayland Road), and another will be on a Saturday morning probably in April or May. Look out for posters on Myland Community notice boards, at the Co-op and other locations, and on local social media groups. 10

Council Reports Terry of the Colchester First Responders says they will also visit local groups to do this course and it can be delivered to school classes and adult organisations as well. They can be contacted by email on [email protected] or on Facebook. Colchester First Responders are always looking for volunteers and you can find out more about this by visiting our website: CLICK HERE I hope to see you at one of the courses or one of the Community meetings. Cllr Pauline Bacon [email protected] Planning & Highways Committee The Committee met in December and looked at the Healthy School Streets survey, which had been circulated by Essex County Council. This survey asked for opinions to make Mill Road, past Myland Primary School, safer for children and parents walking to and from the school. We also considered action to support the ‘20s Plenty’ campaign for Essex roads, aimed at reducing road deaths. Last year the Council arranged for overgrown vegetation at various points around the parish to be cut back. We have reviewed these sites and have asked our contractor to re-visit all the sites except one, to tidy up the areas. A potential bridge providing a safe crossing across the A12 at FP39 has been considered by the Council in previous years. The Committee has now agreed to begin engagement with the City Council, National Highways and the Chesterwell developers to see if this is a viable project. 11

Churches The Well Methodist Church We celebrated Christmas with the Preschool Christmas concert (delightful), our own Carol Service and a united service on Christmas Day, which was live streamed on YouTube. For the first time, we sang Carols outside the Co-op on Chesterwell, which was well received and £30 was collected for Action for Children. In previous issues we have talked of starting a Food Pantry and this finally got underway in November. We open fortnightly, with surplus food provided by the charity FareShare, along with other donations. It costs £5 to join the Pantry and then subsequently a bag of food of your choosing, costs £2. It is open to anyone. The energy crisis occurred at the same time and we open weekly with a ‘Warm Space’, once again for anyone to come to. Snack lunches, tea and cake are provided free of charge along with board games, jigsaws etc. and a friendly welcome! Both the Community Pantry and Warm Space are open from 11.15am to 4pm in the church hall and we are grateful to our local Community Council and the Methodist Church for providing grants for these activities. During school holidays, MakeLunch Myland continues to provide a hot meal once a week on our premises. A reminder that we have a morning service each Sunday at 10.30am with Bible stories for children, and, if you need to contact our Minister, Rev Chris Preece, then her telephone number is Colchester 545253. Obviously, it is not possible to give up-to-date information about all our activities in this article, but you can find out more by visiting our website or, if you are passing our premises, there is a weekly notice sheet displayed outside. More information about our church is available on our website: CLICK HERE Keith and Di Thompson Tel: Col 844252 Email: [email protected] 12

Churches St Michael’s Church, Mile End Myland Parish Halls is currently open for Weekday Services as follows: • Tuesday 9.15 for Morning Prayer • Wednesday 10.15am for Morning Prayer with coffee/tea after • Friday 9.15am for Holy Communion. Sunday Services in Church start at 10.15am and follow a monthly cycle: • First Sunday: Holy Communion with prayer for Wholeness and Healing Second • Sunday: Family Service currently with Baptism • Third Sunday: Holy Communion and exploration of a current Big Issue • Fourth Sunday: Baptisms and Holy Communion • When there is a fifth Sunday in the month we will have a Family Service Special Services and Activities (Meet in the church unless otherwise stated) 25th February: Chip Supper with table top Quiz in Myland Parish Halls 9.30am & 8pm Wednesday 22nd February (Ash Wednesday): Holy Communion with Ashing 10.15am Sunday 19th March: Mothering Sunday Family Parade Service Easter Services and Events 12 noon Friday 7th April: Good Friday Quiet Hour 8pm Saturday 8th April: Easter Eve Vigil 10.15am Sunday 9th April: Easter Day Family Communion Service Lent: Myland Mothers’ Union will be serving a simple lunch of soup, bread, cheese and fruit at 12 noon on the following Fridays during Lent: 24th February, 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th & 31st March in Myland Parish Halls Spring Plant Sale (in Myland Parish Halls) 11am – 12.30pm Saturday 13th May Please keep an eye on our website and the Church noticeboards, or call the Church Office on 01206 855040 if you would like further information. Please check our website HERE for more information. You can also follow us on Facebook: St. Michael’s Church & Myland Parish Halls. Rev’d Ray Gibbs 01206 843926 [email protected] Rev’d Hazel Greenland 07707 894526 [email protected] Sarah King, Church Office Admin. 01206 855040 [email protected] Lesley Hindle, Churchwarden 07708 954990 [email protected] 13

From inside the community Essex Police Happy New Year to you all! The start of the new year is a good time look at your safety and security and check that everything is as it should be, both inside the house, outside and at work. Below are just a few things to consider, but I am sure you can think of many more: This time of year is a good time to prune many varieties of plants, trees and shrubs so have a look at them; ensure that they do not provide a climbing aid into your property or prevent that all important clear view into your frontage that may deter crime. Be mindful though; those brambles, other spiky plants and stinging nettles on your boundary are nature’s own deterrent to intruders, any cuttings can be used to fill gaps in a hedge line. Consider supplementing your boundary security with some nice spiky plants, they look and smell nice but may also be a deterrent to intruders. Suitable advice can be sought from The Royal Horticultural Society or your local garden centre. Fences and gates—are they still intact and well maintained, do the gates lock securely? Outside lighting—are they all working okay and are they clean? Sheds and outbuildings—are they still intact and well maintained? Lubricate the locks exposed to the weather. Smoke detectors—are they working okay and in date, and where appropriate, do the batteries need replacing? Remember mains operated ones may have a battery back- up that may need replacing regularly. CCTV systems—like with your lighting, ensure that they are kept clean and maintained. Smart doorbells or other that may use a solar charger, at this time of year they may not be getting much of a charge, so consider topping up the battery with a charger where appropriate. Property marking—over Christmas you may have received some new tools, electrical or computing items; consider using an appropriate property marking product. 15

Bespoke & Traditional Cakes & Desserts - also Hot & Cold drinks, gifts & cards 61 Straight Road, Boxted, Colchester, CO4 5QY Tel: 01206 272100 Shop Open Weds - Sat 9am-5pm Large cakes & desserts made to order, 48hrs notice required We look forward to your custom From inside the community 21/12/22 was the shortest day, so we still have a few more ‘darker nights’, make your home looks like you are in, even when you are out, by having lights on timers in the house and perhaps a TV simulator. Lastly in my list, don’t leave your car unattended on the drive with the engine running whilst you de-ice/demist it, it only takes a minute to steal it and it may affect an insurance claim. For further crime prevention advice see: ESSEX POLICE CRIME PREVENTION ADVICE WEBSITE HERE or SECURED BY DESIGN WEBSITE HERE Stephen Armson-Smith MSyl Designing Out Crime Officer/Crime Prevention Tactical Advisor Heritage Crime Prevention Lead [email protected] Mobile: 07525 409720 Essex Police Headquarters Local Policing Support Unit Springfield Chelmsford Essex CM2 6DA 16

From inside the community Nature Notes During pre-Christmas December we experienced what is often termed a ’cold snap’. This implies a short burst of cold weather. I don’t think it was a short burst; it seemed to last many days, too many days. It reminded me of when I was growing up in rural Essex, in a cottage ‘tied’ to the farm where my Father worked managing a dairy herd. More than once I recall waking up after a very cold night to find frost engraved on the inside of my bedroom window. No central heating, just an open coal fire downstairs. Strangely, I don’t ever remember feeling cold. I am sorry if readers were confused in my previous notes, the absence of my photo of the sky made some of the notes meaningless. I have offered a different photo this time, a distant headland, calm seas and the setting sun disappearing. Or, is it just another photo of the sky from my garden? Imagination can bring fleeting moments of joy. During last year in my notes, I listed the flora and fauna spotted on a brief walk through Chesterwell Wood. It has been suggested that the Myland Community Council website might have a page dedicated to ’Chesterwell Nature’. This has been set up and can be found under the heading ’About Myland’. I am trying to populate all of the sightings with photos but that may take a little time. It is hoped we can continue with adding more sightings, possibly across a wider area. From small acorns…. ? Mersea Homes are considering providing a QR Code link from their information boards to the website. 17

From inside the community Of course now you are reading these notes it is early February and we tip toe into another year of nature. We will listen out for the frogs croaking, a sure sign of imminent spawn in the pond. We will spot the birds beginning to pair up and starting to gather material to build a safe nest for their new offspring. Spring bulbs will be announcing themselves as they pop up through flowerbed soil. Signs of green will appear signalling new growth, to replace the leaves in the trees I raked up earlier. Early colour may come with crocus, cyclamen and primrose flowers to brighten what can be a dreary month. In these notes I often refer to the importance of biodiversity, both in terms of nature’s survival and in the benefits brought to our own lives. I am pleased to say that I, and others, were recently invited by Colchester Council to contribute to a ‘planning guidance’ document they are producing on the consideration to be given to biodiversity in the development arena. A positive step forward to begin a new year. Pete Hewitt 18

From inside the community Myland Foodbank You will get a warm welcome and help when you visit the Myland Foodbank (a satellite of the main one at Tollgate, Stanway). We are based in the Myland Parish Hall, Mile End Road, and to make it more convenient for people doing the school run, we have decided to open earlier in the day; we are now open from 8.30am to midday, every Tuesday and Friday. Gillian Tyrrell Lead Volunteer Colchester Countryside Volunteer Rangers Wishing you a very Happy New Year! After a three year break we were finally able to organise two of our social events: Pre-Xmas Buffet: This took place at the Prettygate pub and despite the World Cup, and not very good weather, there was a good turnout. A big thank you to all our wonderful Highwoods Country Park Rangers for attending and our dear friends from Together We Grow (Big Garden). A big thank you also to Lisa at the Prettygate for organising the usual great buffet. New Year’s Day Walk: This has always been a very popular event organised by the Countryside Rangers and it was really lovely to have it back. The walk itself is free, but for those who like to have some refreshments afterwards CCVR provide a sausage roll mince pie and either mulled wine or non alcoholic spiced fruit punch, which this year was made by yours truly, and seemed to go down very well. There is a small charge for this, but the funds go towards training costs for new volunteers. The above items were kindly donated as usual by our local supermarkets Asda, Co-op and Waitrose; many thanks to them for their continued support. Although the numbers were smaller than usual, it was still a very successful event. Paul Horwood 19

Mayne Veterinary clinic is a small independent veterinary practice on Bergholt Road near North Station in Colchester. We’ve been making pets feel better since 1975, that’s just one reason why we’re such a popular family vet – we’ve looked after generation after generation of pets for local people. That special continuity of care and our famously warm personal service mean we get to know you and your pet well. We make every effort to make sure you see the same team member each time you visit, something that makes you feel even more comfortable and cared for. T : 0 1 2 0 6 8 5 1 3 3 8 E : r e c e p t i o n@ma y n e v e t s . c o . u k A SMALL VETERINARY PRACTICE WITH A BIG HEART Reliable, high quality improvement, maintenance and repair in and around your home or property • Kitchen design and installation • Interior and exterior decorating • General ‘handyman’ services • No obligation quotes on request • Fully insured • References available Contact Steve Newton on 07963 753414 Email: [email protected] Take something o your ‘to do list’ by adding it to ours

Women’s Institute At the start of our Winter meetings, it was a real joy to be transported into the garden of Kevin Marsden, who shared some amazing photos of birds that he had been privileged to welcome into his garden. His knowledge of every bird kept us all engrossed. Our December meeting took the form of a lunchtime Christmas meal at The Cricketers, when 20 plus members enjoyed a very tasty meal, good company and all felt that it was the start of the festive season. The first meeting of 2023 was on 6th January, when Amanda Westbrook gave a talk on the history of Balkerne Gardens Trust. She was a very enthusiastic speaker and extremely dedicated to her work. The Trust was started in 1833 and the first house was built in 1836. There are now four houses available in Colchester. All places are open to the older residents of Colchester but there is a waiting list. Our February will be a popular meeting, as John Jones will be presenting one of his film shows – always very interesting! In March, Sharon Gould will present Simplistic jewellery making and on 14th April, (please note the change of date), Paul Seymour will be giving a talk on ‘Tools with a Mission’. As you can tell, our hard-working committee do their best to provide a very varied programme. We don’t want their efforts to be confined to just a few members, so why not come along to the Highwoods Community Centre at 7.15pm on the first Friday of the month? Make this your New Year’s Resolution – you will not be disappointed! Sandra Jones From inside the community 21

Art Group Alternate Fridays 7.00pm -9.00pm Myland Parish Hall (British Summer Time only) Michael Pinnock - 01206 842289 Morris Dancing Fridays 8.00pm The Well Methodist Church Hall Robin Tavener [email protected] Mothers’ Union First Wednesday monthly Ivy Dix - 01206 851743 Myland Foodbank Tuesday & Friday 8.30am to midday Myland Parish Hall Mile End Road, CO4 5DY [email protected] 01206 621998 Myland Parish Halls Sarah King - 07518 437488 Myland Singers Wednesdays 7.30pm (term time) Katrina Brooks - 07539 321348 Severalls Bowls Club League matches Tues afternoon/Weds eve Club Night Friday 6.00pm Mill Road Peter Weeden - 07785 114348 Women’s Institute First Friday monthly H/Woods Sandra Jones - 01206 853594 From inside the community 22

Girlguiding Myland Rainbows Myland Brownies Myland Guides Myland Pre-School (Myland Parish Halls) Monday 9.00am-3.30pm Tuesday 9.00am-3.30pm Wednesday 9.00am-12.00pm Friday 9.00am-3.30pm (Term-time only) Diane Woodrow - 07592 548335 or 07544 830780 [email protected] Rainbow Pre-School Monday 9.30am-3.00pm Wednesday 9.00am-3.00pm Thursday 9.00am-3.00pm Friday 9.00am-3.00pm The Well Methodist Church Hall Gina Oxford - 07779 349128 Scouts 1st Myland St Michaels’ Scout Group Beaver Scouts Thursday Cub Scouts Thursday Scouts Thursday Learning and growing 23

From inside the community Mill Road Surgery Happy New Year to you all! We hope you all had a great festive period. As you will continue to read and hear in the news, the NHS is under immense pressure at the moment, so the winter period leading into the spring continues to be a challenging period for us, especially with large numbers of Covid, flu and Strep A. Despite these challenges we are continuing to try and offer our patients the most efficient and professional service we can. In the meantime, please try and bear with us, we know it’s frustrating to be on hold on the phone but we will get to you! Just to confirm, our nursing staff are not striking during the periods of industrial action, so are here as normal to support your health and continue to offer services as normal. Therefore, if you have reviews booked with them please try and keep the appointment so we can complete as many as possible. As we head towards springtime, (and hopefully a warm one), make sure those of you that may be affected by hay fever are fully stocked with relievers from your local pharmacy for when the pollen rises, as pharmacies are best placed to help with your symptoms. Lastly we get a lot of questions from parents about when their child can return to school following illness so the poster on the opposite page may be of use. Bring on the warmer weather! Ashley Moore Paramedic Practitioner/Nurse Manager 25

10% Sibling Discount for School Holiday Bookings. 07772 892017 [email protected] Wrap around childcare for Braiswick Primary School Breakfast Club Drop off as early as 7:00am Healthy breakfast provided Classroom drop-off After School Club Classroom collection After school snack provided Light tea or hot meal can also be provided Day Sessions for School Holidays 9am - 5pm Morning snack, a hot lunch and an afternoon snack included. Additional hours and meals available on request. PROVIDING WRAP AROUND AND SCHOOL HOLIDAY CHILDCARE IN THE BRAISWICK AREA WRAP AROUND CHILDCARE FOR BRAISWICK PRIMARY SCHOOL Drop off as early as 7:00am Healthy breakfast provided Classroom drop-off Classroom collection After school snack provided Light tea or hot meal can also be provided DAY SESSIONS FOR SCHOOL HOLIDAYS 9AM-5PM Morning snack, a hot lunch and an afternoon snack included. Additional hours and meals available on request. 10% Sibling Discount for School Holiday Bookings. To make enquiries, check availability or register your interest please contact:  Ofsted Registered Childminder  First Aid Trained  DBS Checked  Fully Insured  Caring for children aged 5-12 years  Tax Free Childcare Payments Accepted ZAMBINO’S CHILDCARE 07772892017 [email protected] Providing wrap around and School holiday childcare in the Braiswick area • Ofsted Registered Childminder • First Aid Trained • DBS Checked • Fully Insured • Caring for children aged 5-12 years • Tax Free Childcare Payments Accepted To make enquiries, check availability or register your interest please contact:

From inside the community St Helena Hospice Are you looking for new opportunities in 2023? You can do good to feel good in the new year by volunteering with St Helena Hospice. Whether you’re looking to develop your CV, expand your skills, get out and meet new people or put your free time towards a good cause, there are a variety of opportunities to be had by volunteering with your local hospice. Did you know that volunteering can be great for your mental and physical wellbeing? By volunteering with St Helena you can enjoy feeling part of a community, combat social isolation by getting out of the house and meet new people, improve your confidence and communication skills, and enjoy the feeling of giving back and making a positive contribution to the lives of others. St Helena’s Voluntary Services Manager, Wendy Marcon, said: “St Helena couldn’t do what it does without the incredible passion, dedication and individual experiences of volunteers we have, from all backgrounds and all walks of life. No matter their role, our volunteers all contribute towards making a huge difference to the lives of patients, their families and the general running of our organisation. Volunteering has also proven beneficial for health and wellbeing and in a recent survey, over 80% of our volunteers have said they felt their volunteering improved their mental and physical health and wellbeing. Sign up to volunteer in 2023 and find out where volunteering will take you!” Whether you are looking to volunteer in one of St Helena’s 21 shops across North East Essex; within the complementary therapy team, as part of the maintenance team, or on the ward, there is a role out there to suit everyone. Regardless of whether you can volunteer four days a week, or four hours a week; no amount of time is too little. Finding satisfaction in volunteering is all about matching your individual skills, interests, passions and personality with the perfect role which suits you and your lifestyle. If you have specific skills that you would like to offer to St Helena or simply want to find out more, please get in touch with the volunteer services team on 01206 931 466 or email [email protected] or view all current vacancies: CLICK HERE 27

#YesYouCanWithSlimmingWorld SATURDAY Highwoods Highwoods Community Primary School, 8:30am Tel: Dean 07494 237817 THURSDAY St John’s & Highwoods St John’s and Highwoods Community Centre, 9:30am & 11am Tel: Linda 07837 186659 THURSDAY Great Horkesley Bishop William Ward School Great Horkesley, 6pm & 7:30pm Tel: Linda 07837 186659 28

Myland Preschool CIC We would like to wish all readers a Happy New Year! As usual we had a busy lead up to Christmas with lots of things going on! The week of 14th – 18th November saw us dressing up in our Pudsey tops and raising £20.08 for Children in Need. We decorated a Christmas tree in St Michael’s Church on 25th November ready for their Christmas tree festival and light service on the 27th November. Monday 5th to Friday 9th December saw us taking part in the Christmas Jumper Day organised by Save the Children fund. Everyone looked good in their Christmas jumpers, dresses, headgear and tinsel, and we raised £37 for Save the Children. Term finished on Friday 16th December with our Christmas party. The children played musical statues, musical bumps and pass the parcel. We then had a party lunch, followed by Stick Man on DVD and a visit from Father Christmas’s helper, who had a gift of a book for each child. We let the parents in and we sang and signed some Christmas songs. We congratulated Claire at the end of our Christmas party as she has completed 21 years service at the preschool! She was presented with an Olivia Burton watch, bracelet and a bouquet of flowers, along with a card and certificate. Well done Claire and thank you for all your years of service – here’s to many more! We returned to pre-school on Monday 9th January 2023 and have welcomed a few new children to our midst, who are settling in well. Through this term we will be celebrating Burns Night, National Storytelling Week, Chinese New Year, Valentine’s Day, St. David’s Day, Shrove Tuesday, Commonwealth Day, World Book Day, Red Nose Day, St. Patrick’s Day and Mothering Sunday, and look forward to doing lots of activities linked in to them. We also look forward to trying some different snacks too, such as haggis, neeps and tatties! Learning & Growing 29

Learning & Growing We are registered with easyfundraising – CLICK HERE so if you shop online please register with them and support pre-school while you shop! It doesn’t cost you anything, but we get credited various percentages depending on who you shop with! View our page HERE Should you wish to contact us a reminder that our email is [email protected] or you can call 07592548335 or 07544830780. You can follow us on Facebook by liking our page – Myland Preschool CIC. We post our activities onto Facebook each day. Diane Woodrow Manager [email protected] 30

Learning & Growing Queen Boudica Primary School Happy New Year! We can’t quite believe that it’s 2023, but are back in school this week and enjoying hearing about everyone’s holiday activities. We all send best wishes to you and your families, and hope that 2023 will be a happy and healthy one for everyone. Whilst it still feels very dark in the mornings and evenings, I know that the daylight is gradually increasing and that the Spring weather will be here before we know it. Our Spring bulbs are appearing around the school grounds, which is very exciting to see. We all greatly enjoyed our Christmas celebrations and were so pleased to see so many members of our school community joining us. It truly was a ‘Season of Goodwill’ as we all came together to care for our community and share the joy of Christmas. We were very privileged to have been able to take part in several ‘community goodwill’ events over the festive season, reinforcing that true meaning of Christmas for us all. A very big ‘thank you’ must go to our families who had responded to the School Council’s request, and who generously donated items of food. We took these to Colchester foodbank and I know that every item will have made a difference to a family. We were also very fortunate to have been part of Dunelm’s ‘Delivering Joy’ project this year; what a wonderful campaign that was. Thank you very much to Dunelm for including us, and to everyone who donated gifts to the campaign: it was so kind of you and was greatly appreciated by our community. We are also very grateful to Myland Council for their generous donation of funds, which we are going to utilise this term to benefit all our pupils: thank you very much! You may have seen in the local press that our school choir visited Woodland View Care Home to share some Christmas spirit and festive fun with the residents 31

Learning & Growing there: singing carols and enjoying sharing seasonal excitement. A very big ‘thank you’ to everyone who made our Christmas time at school such a memorable one. Our children in Reception and Year 2 performed in very beautiful nativities - we were so proud of them for their wonderful narrating, singing and acting. It was lovely to see so many family members attending: it set us all up very well for the Christmas period. Well done to all the children for their successes! As ever, we greatly appreciated the very warm welcome from Revd. Gibbs and the team at St. Michael’s Church when our Year 4 pupils held their Carol Concert. The children did a wonderful job and we had a fantastic family singalong of Jingle Bells at the end of the event too! Highly experienced plumbing and heating engineer for all your domestic plumbing needs in Colchester and its surrounding areas. Call or text Tom on: 07801595692 Or e-mail: [email protected] “Tom was reliable, professional and made sure our new bathroom was just what we wanted!” R. Andrews, satisfied customer High Quality Footcare provided in the comfort of your own home In-growing Nails, Corns, Callus, Dry skin, Nail reduction & trimming, Cracked heels, Athletes foot, Fungal nails We offer a friendly, discreet and professional service in South Suffolk & North Essex. Call for details... Call Maisy on: 07393 193476 or email [email protected] for bookings and enquiries Maisy Berridge (MCFHP MAFHP) 32

Learning & Growing Children in school greatly enjoyed sharing the Posadas and making Christingles - there was so much festive activity and excitement as we celebrated the joy of the Christmas story together. Our catering team produced a wonderful Christmas lunch on Friday 16th December which was so much fun. Everyone wore Christmas jumpers and loved pulling crackers and wearing party hats whilst eating their delicious food. Thank you to our fantastic catering team for making that such a memorable event once again! We all hope that 2023 has started well for you and your families, and we send every best wish to everyone for 2023. Clare Woodward Headteacher 1st and 2nd Myland Rainbows Our Rainbows continued having fun and games during autumn 2022, working towards their programme badges. Additionally 2nd Myland completed a fireworks challenge badge and both units took part in Girlguiding Anglia’s Super Rainbow challenge badge. We finished the winter term with a visit to the Odeon cinema to see Matilda the Musical with many other units from Colchester. A big thank you to Girlguiding for organising this annual treat for members only. Another fantastic souvenir badge to add to the collection. Looking forward into 2023, the leaders are taking a small number of older Rainbows for a sleepover at the Castle, organised by our division team to celebrate our annual Thinking Day in February. Such an amazing opportunity. As Thinking Day is so important to all Girlguiding members around the world. We’ll also be trying out some new activities at our regular meetings to mark this special occasion. Lorraine Boyle Myland Rainbow Guider 33

Learning & Growing 1st Myland Scout Group The Group has had a great summer and winter term. We all had a great evening at the University of Essex, using the firepit and BBQs and played some wide games, we celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and then sadly flew the flag at half mast after her death. All sections paid remembrance to her and we now welcome the King in our promise. PIANO TUITION & MUSIC THEORY ALL AGES AND STANDARDS STUDENTS ENTERED FOR RSM IF REQUIRED TREVOR CORDWELL 01206 844087 34

Learning & Growing I’m pleased to say that our new flag pole and plaque, dedicated to Mick Brown, has been put up in the hall. We welcomed Margaret Brown along to unveil it and to break the flag in remembrance. Beavers The Beavers have made bug hotels, learnt how to finger spell their name in BSL, learnt about different disabilities and what aids people may need. They have made volcanoes, explored magnets and made slime as part of their experiment badge and have had a joint night at Go Bananas with the cubs for a sleepover, doing sumo wrestling, playing on the frame, having a disco and a treasure hunt, plus sleeping in tiny town. Just before Christmas they had a great time at the district beaver Christmas party making crafts, playing games and even had a visit from Father Christmas. 35

ar gar e gar e We stock a wide range of store cupboard essentials, fresh local produce and frozen meals, ensuring you can pop in and have something tasty ready for dinner. All food served at Fillpots is cooked and baked on the premises by our team of dedicated chefs. Meet up for breakfast, lunch or tea. Come to Fillpots and whip your garden into shape this Spring. We have a wide selection of plants and bulbs and all the tools needed to get the job done 52 Straight Road, Boxted, Colch ster CO4 5RB Telephone: 01206 273 834 gar e gar e We stock wide range o store cupboard essentials, fresh local produce a d frozen meals, ensuring you can pop in and have something tasty ready for dinner. All food served at Fillpots is cooked and baked on the premises by our team of dedicated chefs. Meet up for breakfast, lunch or tea. Come to Fillpots and whip your garden into shape this Spri g. We have a wide selection of plants and bulbs and all the tools needed to get the job done 52 Straight Road, Boxt d, Colch ster CO4 5RB Telephone: 01206 273 834 gar e gar e We stock a wide range of store cupb ard essenti ls, fresh l cal produce and frozen meals, ensuring you can po in and have something tas y ready for dinner. All food served at Fillpots is cooked and baked on the premises by our t am of dedicated chefs. Meet up for breakfast, lunch or tea. Come to Fillpots and whip your gard n i to shape this Spring. We have a wide s lection of plants and bulbs and all the tools need to get the job done 52 Straight Road, Boxted, Colchest r CO4 5RB Telephone: 01206 273 834 gar e gar e We stock a wide range of store cupboard essentials, fresh local produce and frozen meals, ensuring you can pop in and have som thing tasty ready for dinner. All foo s rved at Fillpots is cooked and baked on the pr mises by our team of d dic ted chefs. Meet up for breakfast, lunch or tea. Come to Fillpots and whip y ur garden into shape this Spring. We have a wide selection of plants and bulbs and all th tools needed to get the job done 52 Straight Road, Boxted, Colchester CO4 5RB Telephone: 01206 273 834 gar e gar e We stock a wide range of store cupboard essentials, fresh local produce and frozen meals, ensuring you can pop in and have somethi g tasty ready for dinner. All food served at Fillpots is cooked and baked on the premises by our team of dedicated chefs. Meet up for breakfast, lunch or tea. Come to Fillpots and whip your garden into shape this Spring. We have a wide selection of plants and bulbs and all the tools needed to get the job done 52 Str ight Road, Boxted, Colch ster CO4 5RB Telephone: 01206 273 834

Learning & Growing Cubs The cubs have been navigating, they have been learning compass points and using maps. They have also been learning about money skills and budgeting, and have been for a visit to the local fire station where they got to look in and around the fire station, learnt all about the equipment and even got to use the hose. The cubs participated in parliament week, where they had discussions and debates and then voted on our new young leader’s name, who is now known as ‘Raksha’. The cubs had a great time at Leisure World, with 100 cubs from Colchester, using the flumes and wave machine, and the cubs went with another two packs from Colchester on a Guy Fawkes themed winter camp, where they made bridges, guys for the fire, cracked codes, made rockets and had a camp fire and ate toffee apples. Scouts The scouts have been on a night hike from Little Horkesley to Great Horkesley, completed an escape room blindfold puzzle, learnt morse code and the phonetic alphabet. 37

Learning & Growing The Scouts joined the district in Hobday woods for a Forestry Day, learning about different trees. They planted trees, and used axes and saws to cut wood and make also made fires. The scouts braved sleeping outside in tents in December at scout winter camp in Thorrington along with the district. They hiked in on the Friday night in the dark from the University and made Bannock on a fire, learnt bushcraft skills, where they all made a butter knife out of a piece of wood, built shelters, made paracord woggles, had a go at axe throwing and had an amazing Christmas dinner. I would like to say a big thank you to all my volunteers who give up their time each week to deliver an amazing programme to the young people in Myland. 38

Learning & Growing If you are interested in joining our group as a leader please do not hesitate to get in touch. Michelle King, Group Scout Leader. [email protected] 1st Myland Guides It always amazes me how quickly the term goes towards the end of the year. As we focused on the guiding programme earlier in the year, this gave us the flexibility to not stick to a theme and to explore some other guiding activities. Mercury Theatre Tour Just before half term we took our girls on a tour around the whole of the Mercury Theatre. They had a sneak peak at what was happening inside the warehouse, (props being prepared for the forthcoming pantomime – Beauty & the Beast), the wardrobe room which contain 1000’s of sequins and obviously backstage. It’s fascinating seeing it all when no one is around. 39

Christmas The Guides have had two evenings devoted to Christmas decorations. The first was to make decorations for the church tree, (which they also helped to decorate at the end of November), and the second was a Pyrography evening where they learnt the art of wood burning to create tree ornaments. We also had a STEM evening, where another leader came in and taught the girls how to make Reindeer Bots with light up noses. Parliament Week Each year a resource is released with the aim to tempt more girls into the world of politics and to learn a little about parliament. We held several debates and votes – it was very interesting to see how their views could be changed and also the difference in voting when you could see it i.e. hands up or when you couldn’t i.e. secret ballot. Learning & Growing 41