The Mylander - Issue 94 - Feb to Apr 2023

Churches The Well Methodist Church We celebrated Christmas with the Preschool Christmas concert (delightful), our own Carol Service and a united service on Christmas Day, which was live streamed on YouTube. For the first time, we sang Carols outside the Co-op on Chesterwell, which was well received and £30 was collected for Action for Children. In previous issues we have talked of starting a Food Pantry and this finally got underway in November. We open fortnightly, with surplus food provided by the charity FareShare, along with other donations. It costs £5 to join the Pantry and then subsequently a bag of food of your choosing, costs £2. It is open to anyone. The energy crisis occurred at the same time and we open weekly with a ‘Warm Space’, once again for anyone to come to. Snack lunches, tea and cake are provided free of charge along with board games, jigsaws etc. and a friendly welcome! Both the Community Pantry and Warm Space are open from 11.15am to 4pm in the church hall and we are grateful to our local Community Council and the Methodist Church for providing grants for these activities. During school holidays, MakeLunch Myland continues to provide a hot meal once a week on our premises. A reminder that we have a morning service each Sunday at 10.30am with Bible stories for children, and, if you need to contact our Minister, Rev Chris Preece, then her telephone number is Colchester 545253. Obviously, it is not possible to give up-to-date information about all our activities in this article, but you can find out more by visiting our website or, if you are passing our premises, there is a weekly notice sheet displayed outside. More information about our church is available on our website: CLICK HERE Keith and Di Thompson Tel: Col 844252 Email: [email protected] 12