May to Jul 2023 Issue 95 Funded by Myland Community Council FREE The Mylander KEEPING THE COMMUNITY INFORMED xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx ALL WELCOME - Annual Parish Meeting, 7.30pm on Wednesday 31st May
2 Myland Community Council The Chair Alison Jay 07761 729054 Vice Chair Pete Hewitt 853942 Office: 01206 853400 Email [email protected] Clerk: Katherine Kane [email protected] Editor: Katie Maddocks [email protected] Churches The Well Methodist Church, Rev. Chris Preece 545253 Church Hall hire, Keith Thompson 844252 St Michael’s Church, Rev. Ray Gibbs 843926 Myland Parish Halls Hire (Sarah King) 855040 / 07518 437488 St Joseph’s Church, Mgr. Chris Brooks 866317 Schools Queen Boudica 844654 Camulos Academy 588588 Myland School 852109 Other Colchester City Council – Enquiries 282222 Colchester Police Station 101 Highwoods Country Park 853588 One Colchester Hub 505250 Phone numbers are 01206 unless otherwise stated Pauline Bacon 07929 903484 Clare Bailey 842327 Gary Braddy c/o 853400 Catherine Clouston 07785 987 734 David Clouston 07748 064 562 Marina de Smith 07791 463 080 Jocelyn Law c/o 853400 Winston Browne c/o 853400 John Dickson c/o 853400 Martin Goss 07912 396335 Phil Coleman 07808 530587 Alan Hayman c/o 853400 Alison Jay 07761 729054 Robert Johnstone 853204 Clare Williams c/o 853400 Mark Fried c/o 853400
3 Keep up to date with local news, updates and events on Facebook: facebook @Myland Community Council MYLAND COMMUNITY COUNCIL Office: 101 Nayland Road, Colchester, CO4 5EN Office Hours: 8.30 - 11.00am (Monday to Friday) Tel: 01206 853400 Website: The Mylander Keeping The Community Informed The Mylander is funded by Myland Community Council as a community service. It is issued quarterly and distributed to every household in the parish. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of Myland Community Council. Articles and information are reproduced in good faith. Contents 4. Chair’s report 6. Council reports 16. Churches 19. From inside the community 33. Learning and growing
4 Chair’s Report As I hope you will see from this issue, Myland Community Council has been busy representing you on a number of issues affecting the Parish; from the commencement of works on the Rapid Transit Route, to escalating the need for urgent road repairs and the provision of community facilities promised. I am pleased to report that our Parish precept (or the money in your Council Tax which comes to us) was down to £18.97 for a Band D property, which was a reduction on last year. We remain committed to a wide range of projects in the Parish for 23/24 including improving accessibility, possible new play equipment and progressing plans for the Village Green at the old Mill Road rugby site. On 13 March we held the Seed Giveaway at our office on Nayland Road and I am delighted to report everything had gone by 11am, with the updated garden and driveway making the event easier and safer for all. The packets of seeds left were given to Myland and Queen Boudica schools and we would love to see pictures of what has been grown in the next issue of the Mylander! By the time most of you receive this issue we will have had our Coronation Event on 8th May. Thank you to the Colchester Litter Pickers Group who offered support with a tidy up before and after the event. As Chair, I have recently met with local resident Steve Last, Deputy Director of Estates and Facilities at Colchester and Ipswich Hospitals to hear about the recent construction work and exciting plans for its development in the next few years. I have also met with the City Council Streetcare Team to discuss ways we can complement their hard work locally and we have, as a first step, agreed to fund the cost of mobile CCTV equipment to focus on fly-tipping in Myland. Our Clerk is actively updating our website to make it easier to navigate and to improve the information we provide. If you have any suggestions on what you find difficult to locate or would like to see that isn’t there please let us know on 01208 853400 or via [email protected] Finally our Annual Parish Meeting will be 7.30pm on Wednesday 31st May so please come and join us. This is not a formal Council meeting but a get-together with residents over refreshments, to allow you to hear what we have been doing and plan to do and to ask questions, as well as an opportunity to meet your local Councillors who represent you. Cllr Alison Jay, Chair of Myland Council 07761 729054 / [email protected]
5 Council Reports Your guide to Myland Community Council Meetings Myland Community Council (MCC) currently has three standing committees; Planning & Highways; Resources, Policy & Strategy; Events Committee. Please see below for their upcoming meetings. 1. Planning & Highways MCC has the statutory right to be consulted on all planning applications, within the boundary of the parish. The Committee will look at each application and agree the response to be submitted to Colchester Borough Council, who will make the final decision. The applications range from small household extensions, right up to larger developments. Currently the Committee is also tracking progress on the Severalls and Chesterwell developments. 2. Resources, Policy & Strategy This Committee is responsible for keeping an eye on Council finances; making sure the Council is within budget and making plans for future years. The Committee each year will make recommendation to the full Council regarding the amount of the precept, which pays for MCC services. 3. Events Committee The Events Committee will oversee organisation of the Summer Fete and the Bulb and Seed Giveaways, and provide the continuing monthly Community Meetings at the Well Methodist Church Hall. The Committee will also look to provide new events for the benefit of residents of the parish. 4. Full Council Meetings Full council meetings take place at Mile End Methodist Church. Upcoming meetings: 17th May, 28th June, 26th July Agendas are posted on the council website the week prior.
Council Reports Rapid Transit System Many of you will now have seen the advanced works that have started on the new Colchester Rapid Transit System (RTS) on the Northern Approach Road (A134), but whilst plans for this road have been in progress for almost 20 years, the parish has evolved, grown and brought in many new faces, so I wanted to bring us all up to speed. The plans started as a priority bus lane and was granted in 2006. These plans have since evolved however, as a new Colchester Rapid Transit System, following funding through the government’s Housing Infrastructure Fund. This will create a new route for priority transport and provide necessary services every few minutes between the A12 Park and Ride, city centre and University of Essex, and where a new Garden Community will be developed. Due to be up and running by 2025/26, the aim is to help connect residents with main destinations, such as the train station and hospital. It also hopes to: • Make it quicker and easier than travelling by car; • Provide high-quality public transport; • Help grow the local economy; • Help ease traffic and congestion; • Improve accessibility and support the environment. A revised design of the RTS was approved by the borough council last year, which sees the rapid transit lane moved further from properties, along with improved walking and cycling facilities. Currently the Northern Approach is in the first stage of the construction work with the removal of trees and vegetation. These will be replaced this spring with large nursery grown semi-mature trees and some landscaped areas, which will increase the total number of trees by 20%. You can find more details and plans: by clicking HERE If you have any questions about the works or Rapid Transit plans, please email [email protected] 6
7 Council Reports I am pleased to enclose some words from both Councillors Gary Braddy and Pete Hewitt on the RTS, as well as a map on the next page (p8), from the web link I have already listed, that shows the route. Katie Maddocks, Editor We are all now aware of the work that has started on the Rapid Transit Scheme (RTS) that runs alongside the Northern Approach Road (NAR). This scheme has been planned for many years and it is unfortunate that many of the trees and shrubs that developed over that time have to be removed. The route also became a bit of a wildlife corridor and we know that residents enjoyed the flora and fauna they saw. There will be replacement trees and shrubs, which once matured, we hope will restore some aesthetic benefits. For those residents whose homes faced directly onto the RTS, we commissioned an independent acoustic survey, the results of which we shared with Essex Highways. There were concerns too over the positioning of fencing and we have asked for some re-positioning to be considered. These factors have been discussed with Essex Highways who acknowledge the points raised and will look further into them. Cllr Pete Hewitt
Council Reports 8
Council Reports Planning & Highways Committe Recently the committee has had input from residents regarding the improved positioning of sound-deterring fencing along the new Rapid Transit Route. The other is about traffic calming and the ability to cross the road at the junction of Whitmore Drive, Boxted Road and a new road from Chesterwell. The preferred option would be a roundabout. The committee has also been discussing the possibility of a footbridge over the A12. This has been brought to the attention of neighbouring Parish Councils, the City Council and Essex County Council. All are in favour of supporting this future local asset, which will depend on future highways work on the A12. We had a small budget for maintaining some footpaths and access routes last financial year. This financial year we will have a budget to ensure the previous actions are maintained and additional work can be considered. Please contact MCC if you are aware of any footpath access issues that need addressing. Cllr Gary Braddy Myland Access Group Myland Access Group recently proposed that Myland Community Council signed up to the 20’s Plenty Campaign to try and persuade Essex County Council to impose a twenty mile an hour speed limit on all residential streets. Quite a lot of Myland’s streets are already 20 mph, but quite a few are not. In the UK, 28 million people live in places where 20 mph is the norm. Most of the UK’s larger cities have adopted 20 mph for their residential streets. And Wales is about to bring in 20 mph as a national default in residential streets. The General Assembly of the United Nations endorses 20 mph where people mix with motor vehicles, unless strong evidence exists that higher speeds are safe. Come on Essex, join with us – it would be far better for cycling and walking than trying to persuade people to cycle on the pavement! Speaking of cycling infrastructure, I note that the planned construction date for Station Way, (which incorporates a two-way contra-flow on a dual carriageway, as well as cycling on the pavement through a bus stop), is scheduled for the summer of 2023. This does not comply 9
Council Reports with guidance contained in the Government’s publication “Gear Change”, published by the Department of Transport in July 2020. I have already objected to this scheme, but have had no reply. I wonder if perhaps Essex County Council are proposing this scheme as part of their North/South cycleway? There will two walks coming up in the next months, which are specifically for Mylanders. The first, will be one of the annual festival of Jane’s Walks. It is a walk (and talk) around our former and current care homes and hospitals, starting at the site of the now demolished Essex Hall, (the Eastern Counties Asylum for ‘Idiots, Imbeciles and the Feebleminded’), and visiting Turner Village and the site of Severalls Hospital. This walk will be on Wednesday 10th May starting at 6:30pm and Jane’s Walks will be taking place all over Colchester from 6th May to the 14th May – find out more: CLICK HERE The second is the Midsummer Day Walk around the boundaries of Myland on Saturday 24th June, starting at Myland Parish Halls at 10am. It will be great to do this 6.5 mile walk in the middle of summer and to see the many aspects of our beautiful parish. In other news, we are still pursuing Essex County Council on their enforced deletion of part of three separate public footpaths, and not providing a walkable alternate route for their temporary closure of three other public footpaths. We will also being getting on with our survey of Public Rights of Way, which we do in collaboration with Colchester Ramblers. We all hope that you manage to get out and about this summer and hopefully enjoy the weather! Robert Johnstone Chair, Myland Access Group 10
ANNUAL MEETING FOR THE PARISH OF MYLAND The Annual Meeting for the Parish of Myland will be held on Wednesday 31st May 2023 at the Well Methodist Church Hall, Nayland Road at 7.30pm This is an OPEN meeting of the Parish which the Community Council traditionally facilitate. Any relevant matters can be raised for discussion at the meeting by any member of the Parish. We are delighted that Steve Last, Deputy Director of Estates and Facilities for East Suffolk and North Essex Foundation Trust and a local resident will be at the meeting to give a brief overview of what is currently happening on site and answer questions on the development plans for Colchester General hospital.
Council Reports Defibrillators We have purchased a new defibrillator (AED) this quarter, to be sited at the Dance Studio on Mile End Road, just opposite St Michael’s Church of England church. Cllr Pauline Bacon Myland Heritage Group Your Council has decided to introduce a ‘Myland Heritage Group’ within the structure of its committees and working groups. Over recent months we have been more active in examining and publicising both the ‘natural’ and ‘cultural’ heritage of Myland. For example, as a Council we have adopted the Myland and Braiswick Green Network (natural heritage) and taken opportunities to fund an interpretation panel for the site of the original St Michael’s Church and a blue plaque to celebrate the Daniel Defoe connection with the Parish. The recent attention given to local natural and cultural heritage evidences that there is much we can do to enhance our ‘sense of place’, to enrich our lives with knowledge of the history that surrounds us. Equally, it is now, more than ever, acknowledged that our natural environment enhances our health and well-being and is key to survival in these times of climate change. Myland has been and will remain at the centre of development for some years to come. It is crucial that our natural and cultural assets are identified, recorded, and protected where possible. The Group’s terms of reference will be to focus on the research, publicity and, where possible, enhancement of heritage assets. The opportunity will be taken to liaise with other organisations as appropriate /necessary to focus on the aims of the Group. Natural heritage will be concerned with both recreational and wildlife green space, whether it already exists has been proposed as part of ongoing developments or is identified as having further potential. Cultural heritage will be concerned with Myland (Mile End) through the ages with the intention of sharing gained knowledge with the community. Updates will be provided once the Group is up and running. Cllr Pete Hewitt 12
13 Council Reports Daniel Defoe Daniel Defoe (1660 – 1731) & his connection with Myland You may have noticed, if travelling along Mill Road recently, a blue plaque has appeared at the entrance to Tubswick Mews, opposite the Myland School. This is to commemorate both the historical site of Tubswick and its links with Daniel Defoe. Probably best known as the author of Robinson Crusoe, and perhaps a little less well known, as author of Moll Flanders, Daniel Defoe has connections with north Colchester. Indeed, if you read the early pages of the latter you will see that Moll, while living in Colchester, names Mile End as a place she visits. Those of us who have been native to Mile End for a few years, will remember the old farmhouse that stood in Mill Road opposite the School. It stood a little way back from the road but was clearly visible across a 0.35-hectare plot as an attractive house of its time. This was Tubswick, a Grade II listed house dating to C 1752. It had replaced an earlier structure which, it is thought, dated to the early medieval period. Defoe leased the property (a farm with house) in 1722 and, after some rebuilding, it was occupied by his daughter Hannah Defoe. The farm and house were included as part of the Kingswood Heath, or Severalls estate, along with Brinkley Farm, all of which was leased by Colchester Corporation to Defoe on 6th August 1722 for £120 per annum for a period of 99 years. Sadly, Tubswick was destroyed by fire during renovation work in 2009, but a brick was recovered with the inscription ‘HDF/1752’, thought to be referring to Hannah Defoe during work on the house. It was suggested, therefore, that brick-framed entrance to what is now Tubswick Mews should hold a ‘blue plaque’ to commemorate the Tubswick/Mile End connections with the Defoe family. The photograph shows the plaque which reads; “Site of Tubswick a farmstead first recorded in 1296. In 1722 leased to Daniel Defoe author of ‘Robinson Crusoe’ and lived in by his daughter Hannah. Destroyed by fire during renovation work in 2009.”
14 Council Reports Also visible on the pillar is an old oven door, possible a bread oven, rescued from the site. More than that however, Tubswick itself could be commemorated in equal measure. Tubswick is mentioned as a farm as far back as 1296, taking its name from Richard Tubbe, Bailiff of Colchester 1296-7, who had crops and stock worth £6, 16s.8d. In 1348 a Joseph Elianmore bestowed a messuage, (a dwelling house with outbuildings and land assigned to its use), in Mile End called Tubbeswick, along with 18 acres of arable land and two of woodland, on the Church of St Mary-at-the Walls. This was to provide a chantry, (an endowment for the chanting of masses for the soul of the founder of a chapel, an alter or other part of a church), in the Chapel of St Thomas the Martyr. This was part of a large endowment to support two chaplains to pray daily for his good estate whilst he was alive, and for his soul after decease. On the Chantry’s dissolution in 1548, Tubswick was passed to the corporation of Colchester. Cllr Pete Hewitt [This article is based on Daniel Defoe: the Colchester Connection by Philip Crummy from the Colchester Archaeological Trust with his kind permission.] Entrance to Tubswick Mews
16 Churches The Well Methodist Church Last year in March, we held a charity Coffee Morning for the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal, through the Disasters Emergency Committee. This March we held another Coffee Morning for the Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal, through the DEC. There was a good atmosphere and we are grateful to the community who supported this event and gave generously. The amount raised was over £680 - a splendid sum – thank you! We have a monthly charity Coffee Morning, on the third Saturday of the month, throughout the year, apart from August and December. Watch out for the posters or look on our website to see which charity is being supported. The Community Pantry (fortnightly) and the Warm Space (weekly) operated until the end of March and the numbers attending made it well worthwhile. We are continuing with the fortnightly Pantry and a weekly Warm Welcome after the Easter holidays, but are opening slightly later - the session is now 12noon to 4.00pm. During school holidays, MakeLunch Myland continues to provide a hot, healthy meal once a week on our premises. We endeavour to work ecumenically in Mile End, and, on Palm Sunday we met at St Joseph’s to share in the blessing of palm crosses and a short service. We have a Covenant which we are renewing on 15th July with St Joseph’s, St Michael’s and New Growth Ministry. We pray regularly for places where readers of this magazine live. If you have a particular prayer request, please let us know. More information about our church is available on our website: CLICK HERE Keith and Di Thompson Tel: Col 844252 Email: [email protected]
17 Churches St Michael’s Church, Mile End Myland Parish Halls is currently open for Weekday Services as follows: • Tuesday 9.15am for Morning Prayer • Wednesday 10.15am for Morning Prayer with coffee/tea after • Friday 9.15am for Holy Communion. Sunday Services in Church start at 10.15am and follow a monthly cycle: • First Sunday: Holy Communion with prayer for Wholeness and Healing • Second Sunday: Family Service currently with Baptism • Third Sunday: Holy Communion and exploration of a current Big Issue • Fourth Sunday: Baptisms and Holy Communion • When there is a fifth Sunday in the month we will have a Family Service Special Services and Activities (Meet in the church unless otherwise stated) May 13th May Plant Sale in Myland Parish Halls, 11am - 12.30pm 13th May Coffee Morning in Church, 10am - 12 noon July 9th July Pet’s Service 10.15am, all pets and their owners welcome. Please do check our website for more information, this will be updated regularly. You can also follow us on Facebook: St. Michael’s Church & Myland Parish Halls. We have recently migrated our Church and Halls websites and email addresses. Please visit our website HERE or email us: [email protected] for all Church and Hall enquiries. If you would like to speak to any of us, our staff can be contacted, as follows: Sarah King, Church Office Administrator Rev’d Ray Gibbs 01206 843926 [email protected] Rev’d Hazel Greenland 07707 894526 [email protected] Sarah King, Church Office Admin. 01206 855040 [email protected] Lesley Hindle, Churchwarden 07708 954990 [email protected]
ar gar e gar e We stock a wide range of store cupboard essentials, fresh local produce and frozen meals, ensuring you can pop in and have something tasty ready for dinner. All food served at Fillpots is cooked and baked on the premises by our team of dedicated chefs. Meet up for breakfast, lunch or tea. Come to Fillpots and whip your garden into shape this Spring. We have a wide selection of plants and bulbs and all the tools needed to get the job done 52 Straight Road, Boxted, Colchester CO4 5RB Telephone: 01206 273 834 gar e gar e We stock a wide range of store cupboard essentials, fresh local produce and frozen meals, ensuring you can pop in and have something tasty ready for dinner. All food served at Fillpots is cooked and baked on the premises by our team of dedicated chefs. Meet up for breakfast, lunch or tea. Come to Fillpots and whip your garden into shape this Spring. We have a wide selection of plants and bulbs and all the tools needed to get the job done 52 Straight Road, Boxted, Colchester CO4 5RB Telephone: 01206 273 834 gar e gar e We stock a wide range of store cupboard essentials, fresh local produce and frozen meals, ensuring you can pop in and have something tasty ready for dinner. All food served at Fillpots is cooked and baked on the premises by our team of dedicated chefs. Meet up for breakfast, lunch or tea. Come to Fillpots and whip your garden into shape this Spring. We have a wide selection of plants and bulbs and all the tools needed to get the job done 52 Straight Road, Boxted, Colchester CO4 5RB Telephone: 01206 273 834 gar e gar e We stock a wide range of store cupboard essentials, fresh local produce and frozen meals, ensuring you can pop in and have something tasty ready for dinner. All food served at Fillpots is cooked and baked on the premises by our team of dedicated chefs. Meet up for breakfast, lunch or tea. Come to Fillpots and whip your garden into shape this Spring. We have a wide selection of plants and bulbs and all the tools needed to get the job done 52 Straight Road, Boxted, Colchester CO4 5RB Telephone: 01206 273 834 gar e gar e We stock a wide range of store cupboard essentials, fresh local produce and frozen meals, ensuring you can pop in and have something tasty ready for dinner. All food served at Fillpots is cooked and baked on the premises by our team of dedicated chefs. Meet up for breakfast, lunch or tea. Come to Fillpots and whip your garden into shape this Spring. We have a wide selection of plants and bulbs and all the tools needed to get the job done 52 Straight Road, Boxted, Colchester CO4 5RB Telephone: 01206 273 834
From inside the community Mill Road Surgery The lovely spring weather is a relief to lots of us as the temperatures rise, but for some it brings the unwelcome return of hay fever symptoms as the pollen count rises too. Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen and symptoms can include: • coughing and sneezing • nasal congestion and/or runny nose • itchy throat, nose and ears • headaches • itchy, red or watery eyes • tiredness While some people get very mild symptoms, others can suffer badly over the warmer months and symptoms can be quite debilitating at times. There are a number of self-help ideas you can try to reduce symptoms such as: • put Vaseline around your nostrils to trap pollen • wear wraparound sunglasses to stop pollen getting into your eyes • shower and change your clothes after you have been outside to wash pollen off • try not to dry your clothes outside on days with a high pollen count • vacuum regularly and dust with a damp cloth • buy a pollen filter for the air vents in your car and a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter NOTE - while honey is extremely tasty, there is no medical research to suggest it helps to reduce hay fever symptoms. If these tips don’t help then the best place for further help is your local pharmacist who can recommend treatments such as antihistamines, nasal sprays and eye-drops based on the symptoms you have. Enjoy the sunshine and don’t forget your sun protection! Ashley Moore, Paramedic Practitioner / Nurse Manager 19
20 From inside the community Nature Notes A few notes this time about a trio of our smaller birds. The picture here is a chiff chaff, kindly copied to me by Prof. Ted Benton of Colchester Natural History Society. These charming little birds are named after their song and for me a sure sign of spring. They are small warblers who have a distinctive song of just two notes; the highpitched ‘chiff’ and lower-pitched ‘chaff’. They prefer to sing from high in tree tops and can be difficult to spot, but their song is unmistakable. They are not seen in the garden, but I have heard them in Chesterwell Wood, High Woods Country Park, Cymbeline Meadows and many other places. The chiff chaff makes a ball-shaped nest in dense vegetation where they lay about seven white eggs. Historically, they migrate south in the winter to Africa or southern Europe, although in recent years some have chosen to stay in England, particularly in the south-west.
From inside the community Another small warbler is the black cap, this time named after their appearance. We have the privilege of seeing a pair of these in our garden at this time of year and, as I write, both male and female are visitors to the feeders. The male is the wearer of the ‘black cap’ on his crown, whereas the female’s is a neat brown affair, but both caps are clearly distinguishable. The reference books regard them as shy birds that hide away in thick cover but we see the male especially, clearly in view, when he is impressing the female from the top of a shrub with his beautiful song of varied notes. The black cap also nests in in dense bushes or undergrowth and lays four to six eggs and again, some stay during the winter, whereas others will migrate to Africa. I was a little worried for the wren that visits our garden as they are susceptible to harsh winters. I am pleased to report, however, that we have enjoyed seeing and hearing one in the garden. They have a strong, shrill voice of tuneful notes. They site their nests of leaves, dried grass and moss in such places as hedges, ivy-covered walls, tree trunks, even outbuildings or other old nests, but wherever they are always well hidden. Foraging for food they seem to stay low and move quickly. They normally lay between five to eight eggs. None of these three small birds are colourful in appearance but they all have distinctive delightful songs and are a joy to watch and listen to. Pete Hewitt 21 Bespoke & Traditional Cakes & Desserts - also Hot & Cold drinks, gifts & cards 61 Straight Road, Boxted, Colchester, CO4 5QY Tel: 01206 272100 Shop Open Weds - Sat 9am-5pm Large cakes & desserts made to order, 48hrs notice required We look forward to your custom
Art Group Alternate Fridays 7.00pm -9.00pm Myland Parish Hall (British Summer Time only) Michael Pinnock - 01206 842289 Morris Dancing Fridays 8.00pm The Well Methodist Church Hall Robin Tavener [email protected] Mothers’ Union First Wednesday monthly Ivy Dix - 01206 851743 Myland Foodbank Tuesday & Friday 8.30am to midday Myland Parish Hall Mile End Road, CO4 5DY [email protected] 01206 621998 Myland Parish Halls Sarah King 01206 855040 or 07518 437488 [email protected] Myland Singers Wednesdays 7.30pm (term time) Katrina Brooks - 07539 321348 Severalls Bowls Club League matches Tues afternoon/Weds eve Club Night Friday 6.00pm Mill Road Peter Weeden - 07785 114348 Women’s Institute First Friday monthly H/Woods Sandra Jones - 01206 853594 From inside the community 22
Girlguiding Myland Rainbows Myland Brownies Myland Guides Myland Pre-School (Myland Parish Halls) Monday 9.00am-3.30pm Tuesday 9.00am-3.30pm Wednesday 9.00am-12.00pm Friday 9.00am-3.30pm (Term-time only) Diane Woodrow - 07592 548335 or 07544 830780 [email protected] Rainbow Pre-School Monday 9.30am-3.00pm Wednesday 9.00am-3.00pm Thursday 9.00am-3.00pm Friday 9.00am-3.00pm The Well Methodist Church Hall Gina Oxford - 07779 349128 Scouts 1st Myland St Michaels’ Scout Group Beaver Scouts Thursday Cub Scouts Thursday Scouts Thursday Learning and growing 23
24 From inside the community Women’s Institute The longer evenings are approaching and it is now time to think about coming along to sample our W.I.! Our programme will be as follows: 2nd June will be a Games Evening and there will be a competition based on our favourite game – it will be interesting to see the variety that will be displayed! On the 7th July, Cherry Mullins will give a talk entitled ‘in the land of the Maharajas’. There will also be a Garden Party for members only in July. If you enjoy reading, we have a Book Club which meets every few weeks. Hopefully warmer weather will have arrived when you read this, so please do come along, .and meet us all. You will be most welcome on the first Friday in Highwoods Community Centre at 7.15pm – see you there! Sandra Jones
25 From inside the community Cuckoo Farm Studios Cuckoo Farm Studios is a beautiful studio space for artists, situated right on our doorstep, on Boxted Road. Established in 1992, when a small group of artists moved in and began to turn a derelict farm into a place for professional artists, the site has since grown to over 30 studios and has become a valuable resource for the wider community. Cuckoo Farm Studios is now opening its doors and offering free taster sessions for Myland residents throughout May and June. These will be introductory day courses in textiles, glass and printmaking. No experience is required and materials and light refreshments are also included (please bring a packed lunch): May Thursday 18 May Colours in Glass (with Jean Muir) 10am – 2.30pm Introduction to working with fine art glass Wednesday 24 May Textile Surface Design (with Maggie Leggoe) 10am – 2.30pm Introduction to creating your own design on fabric using different techniques. June Saturday 3 June Colours in Glass (with Jean Muir) 10.30 am- 3pm Introduction to working with fine art glass Saturday 10 June Textile Surface Design (with Maggie Leggoe) 10.30am – 3pm Introduction to creating your own design on fabric using different techniques Monday 12 June Printing with Colour 10am – 2.30pm Basic printmaking for fun Booking is essential. For more details and to reserve your place, please contact Linda at [email protected]
Mayne Veterinary clinic is a small independent veterinary practice on Bergholt Road near North Station in Colchester. We’ve been making pets feel better since 1975, that’s just one reason why we’re such a popular family vet – we’ve looked after generation after generation of pets for local people. That special continuity of care and our famously warm personal service mean we get to know you and your pet well. We make every effort to make sure you see the same team member each time you visit, something that makes you feel even more comfortable and cared for. T: 01206 851 338 E: [email protected] A SMALL VETERINARY PRACTICE WITH A BIG HEART MV_Mylander_AD_148x105_CH.indd 1 23/04/2019 14:09 Reliable, high quality improvement, maintenance and repair in and around your home or property • Kitchen design and installation • Interior and exterior decorating • General ‘handyman’ services • No obligation quotes on request • Fully insured • References available Contact Steve Newton on 07963 753414 Email: [email protected] Take something o your ‘to do list’ by adding it to ours
From inside the community St Helena Hospice Walk Pier to Pier for St Helena Hospice this May St Helena Hospice’s popular sponsored walk is returning on Sunday 14th May 2022 and the local charity is urging people to sign up to help ensure more patients and families facing incurable illness and bereavement can receive the support they desperately need. The family-friendly event is a favourite amongst local people, supporters of the hospice, and local businesses, attracting hundreds of people year on year. The scenic walk starts from either Clacton or Walton Pier and participants can choose to walk the 7 miles between the two piers or challenge themselves to make the return journey – 14 miles in all! Many people walk to remember their loved ones, while others take part in groups, with their work colleagues, or simply just to support their local hospice. Lisa Chenery, St Helena Hospice fundraiser, said: “We are so excited to launch everyone’s favourite event, Pier to Pier! Last year over 500 people joined us on the beautiful Essex coast to walk for their local hospice and this year we hope to see even more. “Our services are more in demand than ever as the local NHS faces extreme pressures and turns to us for support. Without the support of our incredible local community, we cannot continue to provide vital and essential care to the growing number of patients and families who desperately need it. So please sign up to Pier to Pier and raise as much as you can to help ensure St Helena Hospice can continue to be here for those who needs us at the most difficult time of their lives.” Registration is just £5 for adults and children over 5, with under 5’s and furry friends walking for free. Sign up now by CLICKING HERE St Helena Hospice’s Pier to Pier walk has kindly been sponsored by Pickering Electronics Ltd. Courtney Norris Marketing and Communications Officer 27
28 From inside the community High Woods Country Park Colchester City Council has been inviting residents and visitors to help choose the design for a new play area at High Woods Country Park. The Park play area is very popular but has reached the end of its life and needs updating. The Council is refreshing the playground as part of its ongoing investment across Colchester’s parks and green spaces. The Council invited leading specialist companies to compete to redesign the playground and has shortlisted four entries that offer an exciting mix of equipment, including equipment accessible to all ages and mobility levels. The designs have been on display throughout April at the High Woods Country Park Visitor Centre, and the Council encouraged local residents and visitors to the park to vote for their favourite one. The consultation ran until late April and the winning design will be announced in May*, with work starting this summer. Cllr Martin Goss, Colchester City Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services and Waste, said: “Outdoor play is vital for children’s health and wellbeing so investment in improved play facilities is money well spent. High Woods Country Park is a popular park with lots of great facilities, but the play area has come to the end of its life and needs replacing. I am delighted we are investing in these play facilities for children in Colchester.” [*At the time The Mylander went to print, the winning design had not been announced, but we eagerly await the chosen design and any progress that has been made before the next issue.] PIANO TUITION & MUSIC THEORY ALL AGES AND STANDARDS STUDENTS ENTERED FOR RSM IF REQUIRED TREVOR CORDWELL 01206 844087
29 From inside the community Examples from play park designs that residents have been using to vote for the new play area at High Woods Country Park.
30 From inside the community Essex Police Protecting your cycle Cycles are stolen from many locations including the town centres, transport hubs, residential areas, and educational establishments. Commonly cycles are not secured properly—don’t make it easy for thieves with these top tips: 1. Double lock it - using two locks slows thieves down and makes your bike less of a target. Use two quality locks, at least one of which is a D-lock. Thieves are less likely to carry multiple tools, so use two different types of lock if possible. 2. Lock the lot - lock the frame and both wheels to a secure cycle stand. 3. Secure it - secure your bike as close to the stand as possible, to give any thieves little or no room to manoeuvre.
From inside the community 4. Take removable parts with you - Take parts that are easy to remove with you, such as wheels, lights, baskets, or the saddle. Or use locking skewers or nuts which can increase security by securing the bike’s components to the frame permanently. 5. Park securely - Lock your bike at recognised secure cycle parking. It should be well-lit, overlooked and covered by CCTV. Where do stolen cycles go? A number of places; some are sold locally, end up in a container abroad, go to another part of the country, or stored in premises for later sale or sold as either a cycle or cycle parts via the internet or third parties. By taking some appropriate precautions, using good quality security products and using them well, should help you to keep your property safe. Use the best security you can afford. Don’t secure a £2,000 bicycle with a £10 lock! As a guide look to spend 10-15% of the value of the item on its security. Look for a “Sold Secure” certified chain and padlock or “D – Lock”, preferably ‘Gold’ rated, but certainly not below ‘Silver’. Make a note of the frame number, security mark the cycle; there are a number of different methods available: DATATAG WEBSITE HERE and BIKE REGISTER WEBSITE HERE (others are available and can be found on the Secured by Design website below) and you can register property including cycles free of charge at by clicking HERE. Take a photograph of the cycle and any areas of damage or marks of identification, some insurance companies may require a photograph with the cycle owner in the picture with the cycle. Check with your insurance company to see what security standards they require for your insurance cover to be valid. For suitable security products see: SECURED BY DESIGN WEBSITE HERE or SOLD SECURE WEBSITE HERE For further advice see: ESSEX POLICE CRIME PREVENTION ADVICE WEBSITE HERE SECURED BY DESIGN HOW TO PROTECT YOUR BIKE HERE SECURITY FOR BIKES HERE 31
33 2nd Myland Brownies Last term we were working on our “Express Myself” theme, where we did fun activities like building structures from marshmallows and spaghetti, made some large scale collaborative art, and built zip wires for our teddy bears. We celebrated Shrove Tuesday by making (and eating) pancakes and made cards for Mother’s Day. In February, we spent the night in the amazing Colchester Castle, along with almost 300 other members of Girlguiding from North Colchester. We really enjoyed the paper bag challenges, and the queue for the loo was most impressive! Sleeping in a castle that is over 900 years old is a pretty memorable occasion, but in the morning I realised the artefacts we were sleeping next to were from the stone age (around 2.6m years ago). This blew my mind slightly, (but I’m sure the Brownies will remember the event for something strange, like the Malteser challenge, or the brioche we ate at 7.30am sat in a giant circle)!!! Thanks to all the volunteers and organisers involved, it was a pretty special event to be involved in, I’m sure the Brownies will remember it for many years to come. This Brown Owl still remembers the heady excitement of spending 3 nights in a church hall in Frinton when I was age 7. I wonder how many of you have childhood memories from Guiding and Scouting? Sam Borroff, Brown Owl Learning & Growing
34 Learning & Growing YMCA - Queen Boudica School The young people discuss important issues such as online safety, mental health, anti- bullying, healthy relationships, school issues etc. The team use informal education to discuss, safeguard and educate young people, as well as help them find resolutions to matters that arise. The young people enjoy playing sport such as football and multi sports games, and meeting friends from different schools each week. We have 25 young people on the register, with around 15 who regularly attend each week. Sarah Daniels, Youth Services Manager YMCA Essex
Learning & Growing Queen Boudica Primary School We hope that everyone’s had a good Easter and that you’re enjoying the lighter evenings: we know we are! We’ve had another busy and fun-filled term at QBPS, with so many different activities taking place alongside our curriculum learning. Well done everyone! Our Forest School provision has continued throughout this term, with children in Years 2, 3, 1 and Reception enjoying time at Highwoods Country Park. We’re so fortunate to have this wonderful facility on our doorstep: everyone loves their trips to the woods. Children have been able to build dens, create artwork, learn to make a campfire safely and have particularly enjoyed toasting marshmallows. Thank you to Mrs. Parry and the team of adults who make this highly beneficial and enjoyable activity possible each week. We’ve been fairly blessed with fine weather as well, which is even better! Continuing to develop our love of being outdoors and the therapeutic effects of gardening, I was fortunate to be able to attend a meeting at Colchester Hospital recently, in connection with the development of a new garden area at the front of the main hospital entrance. This exciting project is being led by the RHS and the garden is being designed by Adam Frost, the well renowned garden designer and television presenter. We are really looking forward to being part of this design project in the future, as the hospital plays such a key part in the lives of our school community. Children in Year 1 have greatly enjoyed meeting Lee Connelly, also known as The Skinny Jean Gardener, as part of the Colchester Garden Festival. Lee is known from CBBC, Blue Peter and Radio 1, and is taking the lead on this project for the second year in a row. Well done Year 1 for so many great design ideas! The gardens will be created in the summer, so that everyone can enjoy them. Our sporting fixtures have continued apace, with many football and netball matches taking place. Children have also greatly enjoyed participating in other sporting tournaments, travelling to the Northern Gateway, Thurstable School and the tenpin bowling facility on Cowdray Avenue. We’re really proud of everyone for being such amazing ambassadors for our school, and having so much fun. We’re all very much looking forward to the summer term, with cricket and our annual Sports Week being a key feature. 35
36 #YesYouCanWithSlimmingWorld SATURDAY Highwoods Highwoods Community School CO4 9SN, 8:30am & 10am Contact Dean for more details on 0749 4237817 THURSDAY St John’s & Highwoods St John’s and Highwoods Community Centre, 9:30am & 11am Tel: Linda 07837 186659 THURSDAY Great Horkesley Bishop William Ward School Great Horkesley, 6pm & 7:30pm Tel: Linda 07837 186659
Learning & Growing Children in Year 5 have benefitted from participating in the Bikeability scheme again this term. This valuable training enables children to learn to ride safely on the roads, which is most important. Well done to everyone who successfully took part in this initiative. Thank you and ‘well done’ to our School Council, who organised and led a second hand book sale back in February. It was lovely to see so many people buying books; the event was a great success! We’ve also really enjoyed our recent Science Week, with children of all ages discovering new information. Our EYFS children focused on floating and sinking, whilst children in Year 3 enjoyed making volcanoes and then erupting them - so much fun! World Book Day is always a favourite for us, and this year’s activities were wonderful. Everyone looked fantastic, with traditional tales outfits being the inspiration for many staff teams. Thank you to everyone for joining in with such enthusiasm! As always, a very big ‘thank you’ to our FAFA team, who work tirelessly throughout each school year to raise funds to support children of all ages. If you’d be interested in becoming involved with FAFA, please do let us know: we’d love to hear from you! This term we’ve enjoyed a Movie Night, cake sales, Mother’s Day gift events, and we’re currently having a ‘Guess the Name of the Giant Bunny’ Easter competition. Thank you to all the FAFA team for their enthusiasm and hard work: we’re really grateful. By the time you read this, it’s very likely that our recent Ofsted report will have been published. You’ll be able to read it on our website and also on the Ofsted website. Ofsted visited us in mid-March, and we were all very proud to welcome the inspector to school. We’re looking forward to welcoming our new families for September to school over the course of the next few weeks: it’s always very exciting to have new members join our school community. Please do get in touch with the office team if you’d like to come and look round: we particularly love the Summer term and can’t wait for the fun to come. Take care everyone, Clare Woodward Headteacher Queen Boudica Primary School 37
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Learning & Growing Myland Preschool CIC We took part in Comic Relief from Monday 13th – Friday 17th March by wearing red to preschool and we raised a total of £15.10. On Tuesday 14th March we had a Bag2school collection, which saw us collect 100 kilos and raise £50 for preschool funds. If you are having a sort out then our next collection is on Tuesday 7th November and you can see what they collect on their website by clicking HERE. At the end of March we said farewell to Angela, who has been with us for 15 months doing maternity cover. Becca, who was on maternity leave, decided to not return, but we are pleased that following the Easter break we have Liliana, who will be joining our staff team. The return from the Easter break on Monday 17th April will see all children taking the next step into full-time education find out what schools they have been allocated and we will begin the transition for them. We shall be having Rob Sambrook, photographer, come into pre-school to take photos of the children on Monday 24th April, and we know he will get some great photos of all our children, but especially those for who it will be their last pre-school photo! We will be celebrating King Charles III Coronation by having a special tea party in preschool on Friday 5th May. We have created some flowers for a display that the Church are organising for the coronation, and we will be doing our own small display to go into the church from the start of May as well. Next half term will also see us cover topics such as The Earth, England, Penguins, The Royal family, Sunshine. Bees, Africa and Turtles. On Friday 19th May, we are having a trip to Easton Farm Park for all of the children who will be leaving us to go into full time education in the summer. We are all very excited about this, as thanks to covid, we haven’t been able to do this for the last three years. On Wednesday 14th June, we will be having our Barnardo’s big toddle, where the children are sponsored to walk around the local community raising funds for Barnardo’s and pre-school as they do so. This will be followed by a teddy bear’s picnic in the preschool garden, (weather allowing!) 39
40 Learning & Growing We have been busy sorting out sessions for September. We are pleased that we continue to be extremely busy and look forward to welcoming our new children. Should you wish to have more details about preschool and put your child onto our waiting list then please email us on [email protected] or you can call 07592548335 or 07544830780. You can follow us on Facebook by liking our page – Myland Preschool CIC. We post our activities onto Facebook each day. Diane Woodrow, Manager 1st Myland Guides We welcomed 4 new members to our unit at the beginning of this term, taking us back up to capacity of 24 girls. We also have a healthy waiting list, so it’s great to see so many girls still enjoying Guiding. This term we have been focussing on our Express Myself theme, which helps tackle anything from concerns about speaking up, or performing in front of people to bringing out your creative side. During our work on this theme, we have created our own Top Trumps, tested out Tap Dancing, learnt various methods of prepping for public speaking and communicated with each other in sign language. High Quality Footcare provided in the comfort of your own home In-growing Nails, Corns, Callus, Dry skin, Nail reduction & trimming, Cracked heels, Athletes foot, Fungal nails We offer a friendly, discreet and professional service in South Suffolk & North Essex. Call for details... Call Maisy on: 07393 193476 or email [email protected] for bookings and enquiries Maisy Berridge (MCFHP MAFHP)