16 Churches The Well Methodist Church Last year in March, we held a charity Coffee Morning for the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal, through the Disasters Emergency Committee. This March we held another Coffee Morning for the Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal, through the DEC. There was a good atmosphere and we are grateful to the community who supported this event and gave generously. The amount raised was over £680 - a splendid sum – thank you! We have a monthly charity Coffee Morning, on the third Saturday of the month, throughout the year, apart from August and December. Watch out for the posters or look on our website to see which charity is being supported. The Community Pantry (fortnightly) and the Warm Space (weekly) operated until the end of March and the numbers attending made it well worthwhile. We are continuing with the fortnightly Pantry and a weekly Warm Welcome after the Easter holidays, but are opening slightly later - the session is now 12noon to 4.00pm. During school holidays, MakeLunch Myland continues to provide a hot, healthy meal once a week on our premises. We endeavour to work ecumenically in Mile End, and, on Palm Sunday we met at St Joseph’s to share in the blessing of palm crosses and a short service. We have a Covenant which we are renewing on 15th July with St Joseph’s, St Michael’s and New Growth Ministry. We pray regularly for places where readers of this magazine live. If you have a particular prayer request, please let us know. More information about our church is available on our website: CLICK HERE Keith and Di Thompson Tel: Col 844252 Email: [email protected]